Tue 1 Dec, 2009 05:33 pm
a couple weeks ago some house democrat announced from the congress floor that If you vote republican (against health care reform) you will die.
yesterday some house republican announced from the congress floor that if you vote democrat (for health care reform) you will die sooner.
Since I'm neither Dem nor Rep, If some woman don't kill me, I think I'll live til I die.
Quote:Whoopie! We're all gonna die ...
Kind of belaboring the obvious, ain't it?
"When the first living thing existed, I was there, waiting. When the last living thing dies, my job is finished. I'll put the chairs on tables, turn out the lights and lock the universe behind me when I leave."
Death from Vertigo comics series The Sandman
I've changed my mind about dying. No one I know has ever complained about being dead but I am surrounded by the whingeing living.
it only stands to reason that too many of these will kill you
but what a way to go
Are those moon pies? Oh, wait, are those double oreos things?
Man needs spaghetti with clams and anchovies..
Whoopie Pies (in some areas, Moon Pies in others)
Whoopie pies, that sounds familiar, something I just read.
I have a feeling this is meant as a health care thread. I'm not in the mood, y'know I'd rather tap dance. I have outrage that I could elaborate on but am not.
If you don't quit smoking, you will die.
Roger - your post sounds like the old joke where doctor advises patient to stop smoking, drinking, eating fried foods, loose women, gambling, etc, etc, and patient asks, if I stop all these things will I live forever, to which doctor replies no, but it's going to feel like an eternity!
Besides, read Dys's original post - dying may have become literally unaffordable for most people:
Quote:....."Every other major industrialized nation but the United States has a budget for how much taxpayer funds are allocated to health care, because they've all recognized that you could bankrupt your country without it," David Walker told Kroft....Asked if he is talking about rationing, Walker said, "Listen, we ration now. We just don't ration rationally.;contentBody
dyslexia, if you do quit smoking, you will die anyway.
I hope I don't die on a Friday. Trash day isn't until Thursday.
Quote:Whoopie Pies (in some areas, Moon Pies in others)
Whoopie Pies ??? I have heard of Whoopie the effect similar ??
I have written my Obituary. The Maitre D' will read out my name in a loud clear voice, spelling it twice...then pause for people who have the wrong service to leave.....then he will announce I have nothing left for anyone in my will.....then pause for my friends to leave....then he will announce it is not catered...then pause for my family to leave...finally anyone left is to be woken up and told to sleep it off somewhere else. It is my fervent hope that I can afford a bonfire by then (if the Global Warming Thuggees havent banned it) so they wont throw my body in the river as I can not swim and have a phobia of fish.