dyslexia wrote:
meself and the lady Diane each use a credit card, she uses Citi Bank and I use WellsFargo. we each got a notice this week, her interest rate was raised to 29.7% and mine was raised to 15.7%. It's not really a big deal as we don't carry a balance but it really pissed me off as we have perfect credit/never late etc. Lady Diane will cancel her card effective immediately (a protest) and I will attempt to convince her to ONLY use our WellsFargo Debit card.
I 'm not an expert on this,
but credit cards have some legal advantages
that debit cards don 't; e.g., immunity from liability over $50
for fraudulent use.
(Granted that u 'd probably prevail with the debit card too,
in the event of fraudulent use, but it might be more work.)
Cancel the protest; just don 't use the card, unless u wanna.