Bill is taking credit ofr some calculation that an airhead kid did re: "balloon boy". I was coming home from a business trip and heard it said on the raidio that an atmospherics scientist who, Also has responsibility in balloon deployment, stated that, with the volume of He in the balloon (namely 2400 cu ft), the kid could have lifted off if he was only 80 lb as reported.
Bill got all personally involved when he accepted that the balloon was reportedly only 1200 cu ft. (Of course a 1200 cu ft balloon would have helped his quickly arrived at conclusion, the "experts" are not all in agreement with Bill or me.
I have no dog in the fight except to hear how Bill loves to trash expertise . Im certain that Bill didnt even do his own calcs because they were so similar to the web kids calculaytion that was on a facebook site several hours earlier .
Now, if the balloon IS 2400 cu ft, Bill is dead wrong about his argument . The father was charged with fraud, not because the balloon couldnt hold the kid, but because the kid "ratted out his old man on tv".
Id drop your argument Bill, since I can recall your opinion about electrical systems in RVs for Dys, was all full of **** > AND, most of your opinions are of that ilk Bill.
Im sitting here doing oven duty with a 20 lb turkey . Ive got nothibg to do for another 2 hours except sit here and be your little conscience Willy.