Derevon wrote:How about all the millions of people in faith who can testify about God? Oh, I forgot, they are all delusional. Anyway, how do you know that you're not the one who is delusional in believing that there is no point in believing in God because there is no rational evidence?
Try to stay focused, Derevon.
I have not mentioned anything about any "beliefs" of mine -- and your guesses about what you suppose to be my "beliefs" are wrong.
I have never said nor intimated that "there is no point in believing in God because there is no rational evidence?"
Try to stick with what I actually say -- rather than what you want me to say. (That must be a habit you picked up from your Bible study!)
Quote:As Firdaus said, if God would turn out not to exist, you will have lost nothing from believing. If on the other hand God really does exist, your efforts will not have been in vain.
Oh really! And what if the god you supposedly "believe" in is absolutely nothing like the God that actually exists.
In any case, I do not really care what you "believe." If you want to "believe" you can teach an elephant to pole-vault -- go for it. You will get no static from me.
On this particular issue, however, keep in mind that it is quite possible a God exists -- and the God might respect people more for being truthful and acknowledging that they did not know if the God existed -- than the people who pretended they did.
So line of reasoning Firdaus is pursuing, which is really just a perversion of the already perverse Pascal's Wager, really goes nowhere in this discussion.
Quote:In the end it's always about hope and faith. Either you have hope of and faith in that God will take care of us, or you acknowledge that there is no purpose with our existence other than the ones we create for ourselves.
No it is not always about hope and faith. Sometimes it is about honesty and truth.
One can simply live as reasonable and ethical a life as possible and stop all this silly worry about whether or not there is a God "to take care of us" -- or about the "purpose" of life.
AND IF ONE IS GOING TO INSIST HE/SHE IS INTERESTED IN THE TRUTH -- one should really grab at the truth when it walks past.
The truth for me is that I do not know if there is a God or not. That is the TRUTH. If there is a God -- nothing has been lost because I have acknowledged that truth. And conversely, if there are no gods, nothing has been lost by me acknowledging the truth either. Either way - nothing has been lost by sticking with the truth.
MY GUESS is that you do not know if there is a God or not -- but you simply cannot be truthful enough to acknowledge that fact.
Quote:Jesus testified about God and that he and God were one etc. Everything he said and did seemed consistent and reasonable to me, so I made a "leap of faith" and believed him. What evil could possibly come out of love and goodness?
You are quite right, Derevon, no evil can come out of "love and goodness." But a whole hell of a lot of evil can come out of making the "leap of faith" you mentioned -- and a whole hell of a lot of evil has in fact come out of it throughout the history of Christianity. (I am not saying that evil MUST come of it, but to suppose no evil can come of it is absurdly naïve.)
"Love and goodness" are not a function of any leaps of faith. "Love and goodness" are human functions entirely divorced from any notions of religion. And love and goodness can exist even if there are no gods - or if there is not a God such as you envision.
In any case, most of the religious fawning you do seems to be more a function of your fear of gods - rather than any true love of a particular god. That is, in my opinion, more deviation from the truth you say you are seeking.
Quote:Eventually this belief became something much more than mere belief, but since I've already discussed that in previous posts, and since you don't believe in it anyway, I don't see any point in elaborating any further on it.
Once again the truth eludes you. You really ought to stop searching for it. It is sitting on the tip of your nose. You don't have to find it -- you merely have to acknowledge it.
Perhaps some day you will.
I wish you luck in that.