firdaus wrote:Derevon~
That was a very beautiful description, and I agree with your view. True faith is a gift from God...which is recieved in the heart, if we are lucky. I recently read an article that was about weighing the scientific proof of there being a God or not. The conclusion was that, the odds are better to believe, and live a life of faith, because if there is no God, you wouldn't have lost anything, but, if there is a'd have lost a lot not believing and rejecting His abundant blessings in this life, and the next.
A scientific article or method would not be able to include somthing which could not be measured/ is not physical. So I wonder how they weighed these odds. Maybe they assigned a point value to scientific evidence, and a point value to various blessings they thought sounded good. Maybe they tossed a coin, or asked their pastor what he though about it. Sounds solid to me.
What abundant blessings (please list?)
There are negatives: when you believe in somthing without substantial evidence, and will not allow that thing to be contradicted, it inhibits rational thought. No new information may be accepted which contradicts the preheld belief system. Who wants to live blind, not allowed to make rational conclusions or pick up new things with their brain and senses? Er, sorry. Not blind, with "faith."
And how would you know which one to pick? Which rules to obey (Do I have to sign my name that I accept ____ and only ____? Get baptised? Pray to Allah five times daily? Pay a tithing to the Catholic church to avoid purgatory? Lick toads and do spiritual dances with a tribe?) Which version of rules in which decade? What if instead of eternal rewards there are eternal punishments for believing? Or eternal cold feet and hot forehead, while watching full house reruns?
If I wrote a book about it, which later gained popularity and credibility, would everyone be doomed to an eternity of full house reruns for not believing?
Do a test for me - those of you who follow a g-d. I want you to pick an innanimate object or imagined invisible bieng - give it all of the characteristics and attention you would give g-d for a week - attribute good things to it - thank it, ask it for help and guidance. You have to really believe, put your heart into it. If you like you can pick another innanimate object or imagined invisible being - attribute to it all of the negative things that happen, and evils.
Then post what happens a week later.
If g-ds were so impish, self-contradictory, and petulant as the religious books make them out to be, I would rather not be with them for eternity.