Fri 13 Nov, 2009 08:06 am
I started at this company 9 years ago. I started as a custom woodworker here and enjoyed my work very much. Fast forward 6 years, The shop supervisor and company Owners friend decides to bring in his son into the company. About 6 months later I'm asked to come into the office to discuss a promotion and I'm thinking "great" a step up! So I'm offered this new position as an estimator and engineer so they can take advantage of my many years in the trade. Once I take the new position, the Supervisors son is moved into my old position and given unlimited overtime (where I was never given any) and my new job has turned out to be a huge dud. I get jobs to estimat when they are very tedious or lack important information to complete where the salesmen estimate the easy ones themselves for twice my pay rate. Sometimes I go a week or two without any work at all and the Owner is ok with that. So now I'm sitting and languishing at a job I really used to enjoy.
I can't tell you how discusted I am with this company but I also see allot of this as my own fault for giving them the benifit of the doubt. And by the way, I got the highest review in the company the last time they gave them out so I'm really at a loss to understand this situation.
Unfortunately, this kind of thing happens a lot. It's a case of "who" you know, not "what" you know. And it's shameful when your performance and loyalty are disrespected this way. I don't really see how a lot of this was your fault - how could you have foreseen what happened?
Have you pointed out to your boss that you're not earning any money? Are you going to look for another position? What are you going to do?
When you don't have work, volunteer to help the guys doing your old job. Your boss should appreciate your initiative and you get to fill your time with interesting work. Another option would be to volunteer to take your old job back and let the owner's son take the promotion to your position. If the son is being groomed to take over, he probably needs to see all the job positions anyway.