As I understand it George effemm thinks you are an IDiot or an IDjit and you should read some of the things he has said about those who are included in those terms.
He's a believer in that dogma of the 19th century school of Helmholtz which pledged a solemn oath to put into effect the "truth" that, and I quote, " No other forces than the common physical-chemical ones are active within the organism. In those cases which cannot at the time be explained by these forces one has either to find the specific way or form of their action by means of the physical-mathematical method or to assume new forces equal in dignity to the chemical-physical forces inherent in matter, reducible to the force of attraction and repulsion."
Ya dig? You're a magetic vibration George in his eyes. No question about it. Your appreciation of wine is simply a conditioned response as is every other thing you might think and feel.
Perhaps you restrict your conversations with him to matters which no-one could take exception to which some might see as a too desperate attempt to have a lot of Christmas cards sent to them.
Obviously, there is no possibility of an organism of the type defined being "offended" by anything under the sun. It is automatically indifferent.
And he excercises himself in promoting that view to be taught in US schools and all other views to be excluded. And with some vigour.