Fri 6 Nov, 2009 01:22 pm
can anybody translate me this sentance into latin please ' forever in my heart, forever in my soul, forever on my mind'
I was wondering if you could help me? I need an english to latin translation of the following:
Circus of the Impossible
The Uncatchable Circus
The Forgotten Circus
The Amazing Invisible Circus
Circus of Souls
Any help would be much appreciated x
Circus of the Impossible
Circus Impossibilis
The Uncatchable Circus
Circus Quem Capere Non Potest
The Forgotten Circus
Circus Desuetus
The Amazing Invisible Circus
Circus Admirabilis Non Visus
Circus of Souls
Circus Animarum
Can you translate this for me:
Always my sister
Forever my friend