Fri 23 Oct, 2009 05:39 pm
He's a comedian, so who knows if he's joking or not, but David Cross is claiming he brought cocaine to the recent White House Correspondents' Association dinner and snorted it "maybe 40 feet from" the president. During a stand-up routine this week, the 'Arrested Development' star said he and his "fancy Hollywood actress" girlfriend Amber Tamblyn were seated "super close" to President Barack Obama and near several members of the president's cabinet when he thought: Yep, it's a good time to do drugs.
On a dare from a friend, he decided to do something that even he admits was "crazy." Via Politico Click:
"But it's crazy and there's security, Secret Service is standing there ... I've got photos of all this. I'm there and the president is right here and with all these people at the table" he snorted coke. "Maybe 40 feet from the president of the United States!"
He texted his friend to say, "No way you can ever top that."
The party may have "White House" in the title, but it isn't held there. This year, drinks and jokes (and apparently cocaine) were enjoyed at the Hilton Hotel on May 9.
I think that if Cross did do coke at a function with Obama in attendance that it was in extreme bad taste and not funny.
I visualize drug sniffing dogs at future functions>
I dont' know how familiar you are with David Cross, but I think he's really funny, and anything but stupid. This is pure stand up and not a real story, IMHO.
@Diest TKO,
Are you intimating that I am gullible.
@Diest TKO,
I agree with Diest. He's f---ing hilarious, and it is almost certainly a made-up story.
Oh thank goodness Kicky, the girls in my sewing circle will be so relieved.
But what if he did do it?
what if he did?
somebody else there might have smoked a joint in the car before entering.
or popped a couple pills and had a glass of booze...
I didn't think the White House funded the correspondents' association dinner.
Rockhead you are from the bible belt and you don't think such goings on is immoral?
I seem to recall, in the dim recesses of this fast fading memory, that when the Beatles were invited to Windsor Palace to be presented to her HRH, they afterwards claimed that they had shared a joint in the loo just prior to entering the august presence of Lizzie herself. Nobody doubted that story.
who are the morality police?
I am a realist.
(dude with a bible and a gun scares me, though...)
@Merry Andrew,
There is no such building as "Windsor Palace". There is Buckingham Palace, which is where the alleged joint smoking is supposed to have taken place.
@Merry Andrew,
Merry Andrew wrote:
mea maxima culpa
you're an ignorant bastard Mr Andrew, but I suppose you knew that.
Takes one to know one, dys.
Sglass wrote:
Oh thank goodness Kicky, the girls in my sewing circle will be so relieved.
But what if he did do it?
Weren't they drinking alcohol at the dinner?
Drugs are drugs
Quote:Weren't they drinking alcohol at the dinner?
If they were, it would have had to been paid for out of private funds, e.g. by Obama out of his own pocket. Federal policy forbids expenditure of government funds for alcohol. I've been at luncheons and dinners in D.C. restaurants, where the tab was picked up the host on a government expense account; we were always told that anyone who wanted a cocktail or glass of wine would have to get it on a separate check and pay out of his/her own pocket.
@Merry Andrew,
Merry Andrew wrote:
Quote:Weren't they drinking alcohol at the dinner?
If they were, it would have had to been paid for out of private funds, e.g. by Obama out of his own pocket. Federal policy forbids expenditure of government funds for alcohol. I've been at luncheons and dinners in D.C. restaurants, where the tab was picked up the host on a government expense account; we were always told that anyone who wanted a cocktail or glass of wine would have to get it on a separate check and pay out of his/her own pocket.
Sure. But presumably, the guy paid for the Coke out of his own pocket as well, so...
My point is that the difference between legal and accepted drugs, and illegal ones, is just a social convention.