Mon 19 Oct, 2009 01:53 pm
as I read the news the Obama justice department has changed the marijuana policy to legalize medical use as long as no one makes a profit on its growth or sales. What! NO profit! That's socialism pure and simple; we the people demand that free enterprise be brought back to america by allowing, albeit, encouraging profit making in the marketing of marijuana.
No profit. Just the occasional, and
minor shipping and handling fee.
roger wrote:
No profit. Just the occasional, and minor shipping and handling fee.
Oh, I didn't realize that's how the pharmaceutical industry works; shipping and handling fees, yes I see that now.
Hey, it works for books. I've ordered several from Amazon stores priced at

. Plus a bit for shipping and handling.
Now, I'm wondering. Is a change in policy the same as a change in law?
roger wrote:
Hey, it works for books. I've ordered several from Amazon stores priced at

. Plus a bit for shipping and handling.
Now, I'm wondering. Is a change in policy the same as a change in law?
Quote:Is a change in policy the same as a change in law?
of course not, a change in policy merely notes a change in funding while a change in law notes a change in funding.
I see
said the blind man, as he picked up his hammer and saw.
I've been pondering this all afternoon.
Oddly, I have nothing worthwhile to add.
I almost started a thread on this; one of the most positive moves Obama has made to date. I don't know anyone who would be opposed to it.
i'm gonna wait until i get a hold of some that medical marijuana before i ponder it
What happened to the Canadian marijuna advocate? The one that sold seeds over the internet?
last i saw he was turning himself in to canadian authorities awaiting extradition
Cycloptichorn wrote:
I don't know anyone who would be opposed to it.
Ha ha. Just wait a mo', don't hold your breath. They'll start comin' outta the woodwork any minute now.
I know several people who are dead set against it. they are afraid that sick people smoking pot will corrupt thier kids.
Funny, these are they same people I'm afraid will corrupt my kids...
This bill makes me happy.
You know this is going to be an interesting court case.
1. The Executive branch is refusing to administer the law.
2. If you ignore the Feds in this area what situation will happen next where states rights can usurp Federal law?
Pollution laws?
Employment laws?
Civil rights laws?
3. The actions of the government on this issue is dependent upon who is in the White House.
Getting into the weeds here, if a person can act in a way that is acceptable by the laws of the state the person dwells, but not the Federal law, one can imagine all sorts of things the person can do. Additionally, it is not only individuals but corporations that could do things legal "state-wise" but break the law at the federal level.
I think when the dust of 220 years of law books settles on this issue the courts will insist that federal law is administered and pot gets restricted again, along with the suggestion that marijuana be removed from the schedule A classification by the FDA (actually it was an act of Congress that put pot there I believe), afterwhich the situation starts again.
I have a personal interest since I am allowed by my state to grow or consume marijuana medicinally, and the question I have is that according to the way I understand the "Full Faith and Credit" clause of the Constitution I ought to be allowed to possess it in any state for medicinal purposes.
Time to call in the lawyers!
Qua the War on Drugs, I say: "Give Peace a Chance!"
Which caused both depressions.
Its just the natural laws of economics,
like the natural laws of the weather.