I'm going on vacation, mostly paid for by others, w/my cousins and their rv.
We'll see when I get back. Dogs need vaccinations, veterinarian care, and often later health care, sometimes very expensive - I'm very aware of all that as I veer toward bankruptcy.
But I'm a mess when paws reach out, especially if they have time limits.
When I got the Pacc, apparently that particular humane society had an expansive wait, while they advertised in the local paper. I was the first person who called after four weeks of ads, a month - not having seen them before - and they told me to hurry up, time was short. (I've no idea if that was true, but it sounded like it. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't.)
I'm also not dumb about feral dogs around the world, and the culture of cute, etc., in the first world.
Still, a paw can get to me.