@Diest TKO,
Quote:Listen guys. If you let people marry outside of their race, then the next thing you know people are going to try and marry their dogs or marry their microwaves.
Marriage has never been defined this way.
This is about protecting families.

- (marrying microwaves...that's good)
No, but I have a question - especially coming after what I just read Eorl stating on another thread (and agree with with a caveat - I'd add the phrase- 'most people'):
Quote: we only respect the beliefs of others that are compatible with or at least do not directly conflict with our own.
and in view of all the wonderful comments given the ten year old refusing to stand and say the pledge because he was honoring his own beliefs (again which I agree with)-
How is what this guy is saying and doing any different than that? And how is it wrong?
I'm not saying his impressions or beliefs are correct- but I don't think that what he has observed in his life can be so easily discarded outright.
I'd love to talk further with him about it - but how is it wrong for him to take a stand about what he believes but perfectly fine and applauded when others do it?
At least he told the truth and didn't hold his nose and just do it while looking down on the couple with his hand out for the fee.
At least he's given them the option of being married by someone who believes in what they're doing as much as they do.