Tue 13 Oct, 2009 01:54 pm
DENVER " Colorado will become the first state to reduce its minimum wage because of a falling cost of living.
The state Department of Labor and Employment ordered the wage down to $7.24 from $7.28. That's lower than the federal minimum wage of $7.25, so most minimum wage workers would lose only 3 cents an hour.
Colorado is one of 10 states where the minimum wage is tied to inflation. The indexing is thought to protect low-wage workers from having flat wages as the cost of living goes up.
But because Colorado's provision allows wage declines, the minimum wage will drop because of a falling consumer price index. It will be the first decrease in any state since the federal minimum wage law was passed in 1938.
"We can't see that there would be any other option" except lowering the wage, department spokesman Bill Thoennes said Tuesday. He said there will still be a public hearing on the question in early November, though the drop appears inevitable. The lower wage will take effect Jan. 1.
Hurray! Less wages! Did the governor opt for less pay, out of sympathy?
Californian's in Colorado are retired on good Californian pension plans and sale of grossly overpriced California homes. They won't be leaving Colorado - or New Mexico.
California homes have been dropping drastically! They are almost affordable to the average joe. CA is not exempt from what's been going on.
I think roger was referring to the california ex-pats who sold their bloated properties in california and went inland to places such as colorado/new mexico/idaho/montana etc where they immediately expected their newly bought properties to bloat as they had in california. these same people who essentially caused the bloat in california wanted/demanded that their new found edens transform themselves into mini california's. this process, often called californication, seems to attract the greediest dregs of the west coast.
Imagine a great housing tract named something like Deer Run. Not a deer seen since the first bulldozer, but the name sticks.
this could lead to one of my rants such as FIVE ******* COLORS...