@Walter Hinteler,
What action do you feel Obama has undertaken so far that would be equivalent to, say, Brandt's dramatic gesture of apology when he genuflected in Warsaw at the monument for the Warsaw uprising?
What historical foreign policy move do you feel Obama has made that would be comparable to Brandt's, at the time still highly controversial, recognition of Germany's Oder-Neisse border?
Brandt did not just get the Nobel Prize in the hope that awarding it to him would create possible positive effects in the future. He got it because he had already made several historical moves that did much to entrench prospects of lasting peace in Europe. What has Obama done, so far, that would merit as definitive a prize as the Nobel Peace Prize should be?
You're trying to make this into some left vs right issue - e.g. when you mock Maporsche by turning traditional Bush/GOP-type talking points about patriotism against him (which is already somewhat misplaced since Maporsche never liked Bush, but whatever). But it's not about that. This thread is full of lefties and liberals who also think the award was premature and unserious.