You can find similar or better cites, but the bottom line is that Nancy Pelosi is a hypocrite
The Left that caterwauls about possible right-wing violence are hypocrites.
If you fall for this shite you are a fool or a partisan a-hole (in which case you will not have fallen for this scam, but embraced it).
Oh, now we are supposed to be so worried about African-American Obama's safety as to put aside our legitimate differences of opinion so as to protect him from the singular insane.
Putting aside the fact that it seems to be OK to incite pro-abortionists to incite a nut to kill an anti-abortionist in Michigan, and a Pro-Obama supporter to bite off the finger of an Anti-Obama protester, can we stipulate that there are nuts who (with scant connection to ideological thought) want to and have tried to kill our presidents --- Democrat and Republican alike.
Wouldn't it be great if there were not left and right wing loons out there saying and doing the most outrageous things?
Cannot be prevented without gutting the Bill of Rights.
The true tests of how insanity has infected either side of the political spectrum are not that difficult to perform.
Google "Bush responsible for 9/11" and you will get over 40 million hits.
Google "Obama not a citizen" and you will get over 26 million hits.
Obviously, we can't ascertain what portion of these hits are in favor of the premise goggled, but I think it's fair to assume that the proportion of those disagreeing with the premise are pretty close to being equal.
It's, I admit, an assumption but not one which, I believe, is farfetched.
Accepting it, we have close to twice as many "truther" hits as "birther" hits.
Which is the more foul assertion?
The president of the US ordered the mass murder of 3,000 American citizens and the destruction of an American icon.
The president of the US faked a Hawaiian birth certificate and, technically, cannot serve the office.
There are far more Democrat 'Truthers," than Republican "Birthers," and yet (not unexpectedly) the Left would have us believe that "Birther" thought is a clear signal of not only the intellectual dishonesty, but danger of the Right.
So we have far fewer "Birthers," than "Truthers," and the latter’s' charge is far more incendiary than the formers', but we have the Left (and Nancy Pelosi) warning us all about Right Wing Violence.
I guess I missed the Pelosi speech when she teared up in response to the UK pundit who suggested we lacked the virtue of a presidential assassin in the Bush years.