You make an interesting point, g7yarbro. But what you've hit upon, I think, is a universal trait, not just an American one. A people, a nation, a culture generally needs an enemy or, at the very least, a rival, omeone to fight against and to measure up against. And these enemies seem to present themselves right on schedule.
During World War II, it was quite clear who the enemy was -- the Germans, the Japanese, the Italian Fascisti. The Russians were our allies, therefore our "friends." But, as soon as the war was over, those same "friends" turned on us and became our major enemies of the Cold War. The Soviet Union, leader of the Communist bloc, imploded and collapsed in on itself in 1991. Along with it went the threat of world-wide Communism; China had started to practice a form of free-market trade long before its erstwhile ally, the USSR, colllapsed. Today China is "Communuist" in name only. The only true Communist governments left in the world are Castro's Cuba and Kim's North Korea, neither one of them much of a threat to the USA.
Then came 9/11/2001.
You must remember that we didn't select the Islamic lunatic fringe as our enemies. Most Americans couldn't point to where either Afghanistan or Iraq are located on a map. Nor Saudi Arabia. Nor Yemen or Somalia. Doesn't matter. We didn't choose these folks to be our enemies. We didn't go after Osama binLaden until after his boys hijacked some American planes and flew them into the World Trade Center towers. They fired the first shot. We just retalliated. You can argue that Iraq was the wrong target, that the WTC terrorists didn't come from Iraq, weren't trained in Iraq etc. etc. I agree. But that's a different argument. The point is we were attacked, we didn't shoot first. We didn't select these people to be our enemies. They selected us. Now we have to deal with it.
You say you are in the military. OK, then you know that it's your sworn duty to protect the US from all enemies, "foreign and domestic." I thank you for this, my friend, I thank you very much.