Create a portable slideshow for your website, blog, Myspace, etc.
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Embed slideshow
Copy and paste this into your website:
<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" width="800" height="533" flashvars="" pluginspage=""></embed>
I used the flash bbcode tags, but it requires that you make a special url. This trick will also work to embed a lot of other videos other than youtube. Here's how to do it:
1) Get the base flash file. The flash code will have src="" and between the quotes will be the url to the base flash file (usually ends in swf).
Unfortunately, this often requires that you pass in other variables so you aren't done there.
2) The necessary variables are are often found in in the flashvars (flash varialbles) attribute (what is between the quotes in flashvars=""). Copy those and combine them to your original base url by separating both with a question mark.
You may want to test the url first, to make sure it works (it won't always work, but does the overwhelming majority of the time) and if it does you can then put it between flash bbcode tags to post it here.
So to recap, in your flash embed code, copy what's between the quotes in the src="" and paste it into a new tab's address bar (where you type urls). Go back to code and copy what's between the quotes in flashvars="". Type a question mark at the end of the first part of the url you pasted into the new tab, then paste the flashvars. Load the url and if it works copy the whole thing and paste it between flash bbcode tags.