Allow me a few further comments -- starting with a bit of juxtapositioning of something you said with something Fishin' said:
Fishin' said:
Quote:I agree btw, with your premise that Christianity is, in the end, irrational.
In the post above, you said:
Quote:...as i think that most people would accept from the outset that Christianity is non rational.
My first comment: I agree with fishin' (and with you) -- that in the end, Christianity is irrational!
But we are not discussing what I think here -- we are discussing your preparation for debate on this issue -- and quite honestly, the fact that you, Fishin', and I agree that Christianity is, after all is said and done, irrational -- is not the same as saying that the arguments you presented establish that Christianity is irrational.
That is what you have to think about in debate -- what your arguments establish.
And I think a part of your problem in this area has to do with the mindset indicated by that quote of yours.
I'll repeat it:
Quote:...as i think that most people would accept from the outset that Christianity is non rational.
That quote, Spleen, using the criteria you personally established for "rational" and "irrational"...
...is itself irrational.
Most people would NOT accept from the outset that Christianity is irrational. In fact, if you are speaking about the people here in the United States, my guess is that a huge majority are Christian -- and a huge majority of that huge majority think Christianity is very, very rational.
Get out of that mindset -- and don't assume that your opponent in debate will so easily concede victory to you simply because of what you "believe" -- and what a few others "believe."
If you want to make the case that Christianity is irrational -- I would suggest you do so -- and not depend on it being conceded as irrational simply because it cannot be shown to be rational.
Your debating opponent may end up being a dud -- and you may get away with this on that account. But I can tell you that if you were debating this question with some of the people who post here in A2K -- they'd eat you up alive on that point.
You went back to the "irrationality" of "believing" in the trinity.
That simply is not going to wash with anyone except someone of the same mindset as yours.
The trinity is much, much more than just 1 + 1 + 1 = 1 -- and if you try to use that as objective indication that Christianity is irrational, you are giving your opponent a shot at your jaw. He/she will easily argue that your take on this specific is simplistic.
Or at least, that is my opinion.
Feel free to disregard my observations -- but, if your debating opponent turns out to be someone of substance, don't be surprised to see these points raised -- and defended to your disadvantage.
Good luck.
Let us know how you do.