If the Beatles weren't cute, they would have been just another band.

Reply Sat 12 Sep, 2009 01:58 pm
Around the time these songs came out, the "London Times" called Lennon and McCartney the outstanding English composers of 1963.

Which means nothing except maybe the Times trying to sell itself and cash in on Epstein's marketing powers in the virgin segments.

I'm surprised at Rolling Stone though. That four lads from one smallish city in northern England should be the greatest artists of all time constitutes what they call a cluster in medical surveys. It's an incredible coincidence. If the editor responsible heard those two songs you posted now I feel sure he would hang his head in shame.
Reply Sat 12 Sep, 2009 06:04 pm
spendius wrote:

Around the time these songs came out, the "London Times" called Lennon and McCartney the outstanding English composers of 1963.

Which means nothing except maybe the Times trying to sell itself and cash in on Epstein's marketing powers in the virgin segments.

I'm surprised at Rolling Stone though. That four lads from one smallish city in northern England should be the greatest artists of all time constitutes what they call a cluster in medical surveys. It's an incredible coincidence. If the editor responsible heard those two songs you posted now I feel sure he would hang his head in shame.

Just to make it clear to one and all what spendius does, he habitually posts things he hopes are disruptive and maddenning in a pathetic plea for attention. I've posted some examples above, and here is another of his greatest hits:

At http://able2know.org/topic/94735-3 the others are having a rather good natured discussion of barbecues, when he posts this little gem, which he hopes will get a rise out of another member:

spendius wrote:
As soon as I spotted this thread I knew right away that it was just a lead in to effemm having a good old "what a good boy am I" orgy. Every thread he starts is just the same.

He really is a big cheese isn't he. It's a pity he doesn't know that big cheeses act like gumps in order to be more effective.

He follows it up with other wonderful contributions to our board community including:

spendius wrote:
...It is a theory of mine that if it was possible to **** in an infinite variety of fashions so that status could be ascertained from the various skills displayed people like effemm would be shitmasters at grand gatherings of the great and the good. And turd pipes would be on the front of residences painted in bright colours with built in inspection windows at head height.

Get a psychiatrist and stop annoying those around you.

Reply Sat 12 Sep, 2009 06:10 pm
Have you no sense of humour old chap. It must be due to listening to those dreadful and embarrassing ditties.
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