Sun 12 Oct, 2003 08:02 am
One of the subjects being debated by the candidates competing for the democratic nomination is the Bush tax cuts. What in your opinion regarding the recently enacted tax cuts. Should they remain as enacted, repealed completely, or modified to better reflect the need?
The tax cut should remain, but Bush's spending is definitely in question. He is going to sign off on the 400 billion dollar Medicare reform bill to pull the healthcare argument rug out from under the Dems.
I think by election time, the economy will be showing enough improvement to divert the tax cut focus, the Iraq issue will be hammered and hammered, and hammered though.
Bush is terrible at making his case for anything he does or is doing, his ineptness in that respect may get him beat in 2004 in spite of an improving economy.
The tax cuts n must go. The US cannot afford them in a time when the economy is still circling the drain, we are prosecuting one and a half wars,and contemplating another, and giving massive payoffs to big corporations.
In addition, teh "Faith based Inititatives" need to go!
To provide the majority of the tax cuts to the rich while this country increases its national debt is insane. Ever wonder how this government is going to fund social security and Medicare in about ten years?
Agree with the Dean stance, not surprised by Lieberman's crypto-Republicanism.
I am more inclined toward repealing those which effect the wealthy. And those that effect industry and commerce should be reviewed on a cost benefit value basis.
I find the tax cut for those who move their operations overseas baffling.
Let's not rush to repeal all the tax cuts, especially those that will help the middle class. As for corporate taxes, I'm not sure it'll save manufacturing jobs in the US either way. We just can't compete with third world countries where salaries are way below our minimum wage and without benefits like we have in this country.