Quote:So I am curious, who will those who have a more positive view of the teabaggers vote for come next election if republicans come in at 28% and democrats come in at 35%? Are the teabaggers going to put up their own candidate?
Who knows, but we are starting to hear a lot of chatter about how both parties are weak, may splinter, may be reformed, or may be replaced. And remember that Palin, who wants to be the leader of the Tea Partiers, said that she would campaign for dems as well as Gop's, but only those who support the tea party ideals.
The public anger at the Establishment is very strong, and as the majority of homeowners go underwater on their mortgages in the next two years, as jobs continue to not be around in the number and the pay required to support the American dream, this anger will likely overwhelm the Establishment. Lectures by the educated elite calling the citizens foolish will have no effect, the Elite have lost almost all of their credibility....they have been wrong too often, and they have proven to not conform to the standards of American morality.