Quote: How is it different, because you say that Bush deserved it and Obama doesn't? Bush received every possible insult, including allegations that he orchestrated 9/11 and discussions of assassinating him
Its very different because, if you will recall, most of the left wingers defended Bush and the conspiracy that he was behind 9/11. On A2K, there were a few wacko conspiracy types who were stepped on by lefties and righties alike. Youre argument attempt is a fallacy. If one of the A2K crowd was touting Bushs role in 9/11, thats eqaully as ridiculous as Becks attempted myth.
As far as Becks "mental state" he has been hospitalized at least twice while he was on radio and shortly after his CNN days began, These hopsital stays were ostensibly for mental exhaustion (HINT , mental exhaustion= meltdown).