"Joy Ride" could make one motel phobic!
Don't think I ever saw that one.
The movie that scared the hell out of me was Forrest Gump. The part when he was running across country for years, and then eventually a whole crowd of people ran with him.... man, I was terrified by that. Now I have a fear of jogging. I'm afraid a mob will begin to run behind me. I just sit on the couch now. Maybe, in time, the fear will pass.
"Attack of the Killer Tomatoes" damned near put me right off salad for a while ... and "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" could give some folks a phobia about buying sausage from little, out-of-the-way, rural roadstands. Of course, no one who's seen "The President's Analyst" will ever view The Phonne Company quite the same way ever again, either.
edited 'cause I'm too careless to preview before submitting ... twice in just this single post
This is the first time you actually have me in tears. The laughter from your post has caused me to literally cry and I can feel your fear. I'm surprised this is the first time Forest Gump was brought up. I may never jog again.
Don't remember the movie, Raggedyaggie, but it jogged my memory for another, a Robin Cook story called "Coma." Actually, I just read the book, and like several of Cook's stories, it really took hospitals off my list of places to visit.
eoe, Wow. Major reaction. I saw a documentary about the story behind The Exorcist. A young boy was "possessed." Interesting but not scary.
Hey Monger, You didn't think it was maybe a little creepy? Nada? Nuttin'? Okey dokey.
[quote="timberlandkoNow, to swing this to a digression more closely aligned to the thrust of this thread, I once read a study of the perils of overindulgence that scared me so bad I almost gave up reading.[/quote]
LOL, Timber. And another LOL for the Killer Tomatoes.
Montana, I'm glad you got out of that place. I get nervous just thinking about it.
LW, Never saw Joy Ride. Should I look for it?
Gus, Became a couch potato just because of Gump. Poor baby.
Another movie that scared me mucho was The Haunting. I think that's the title. It was with Julie Harris and Claire Bloom. The scene where the door stretched made me noivous.
Thanks, LW. I think this has been showing on cable lately. I'll look for it.
Roberta wrote:Hey Monger, You didn't think it was maybe a little creepy? Nada? Nuttin'? Okey dokey.
It was probably the hype that killed it for me. I'd seen polls where people voted it the scariest movie of all time, and I'd heard the stories 'bout people becomming possessed en masse after watching it and such.

by the way, back in the day my dad was a bit of an exorsist himself, it was believed. He says the makers payed very close attention to small details people often report in possession stories.
Monger, You lost me with this, "He says the makers payed very close attention to small details people often report in possession stories." Makers?
Roger, You blaming Robin Cook for your aversion to hospitals? I didn't need any help with that.
um, sorry...makers of the movie, that is, 'boita
Aha. Now I follow. Thanks, Monger.
"Joyride" is very tight thriller reminiscent of Spielberg's "Duel" about a phantom trucker persuing two young men who have pulled a CB practical joke. I just found a glaring omission in IMDB -- a search brought up no listing of "Duel" which was Spielberg's first film and the real reason he was asked to direct "Jaws." I'll try IMDB Pro and if it's also not there, I guess I have to E mail the Webmaster!
roger wrote:Don't remember the movie, Raggedyaggie, but it jogged my memory for another, a Robin Cook story called "Coma." Actually, I just read the book, and like several of Cook's stories, it really took hospitals off my list of places to visit.
Oh yes, Coma, with Michael Chrichton directing. Scared the wits out of me. That one's really close to home today.
And then, there were all those movies with sadistic doctors. The one I remember best is King's Row. I'm getting goosebumps thinking about that one now, Roberta.
Showers became dangerous after watched "Psycho".
So, instead of avoiding beaches, I avoided "Jaws".
Instead of getting paranoid when carrying weed, I avoided "Midnight Express".
And yes, I also avoided "Fatal Attraction" for mental health reasons.
Laeknir, LOL. Don't tell me you never saw Jaws. Despite the fear it caused, it was a good movie.
It was a very good movie. In fact it was too darn good, LOL!
I only just saw Jaws for the first time a few years ago, on TV, with commercial breaks. STILL scared the bejeezus out of me.
I agree with Monger on the Exorcist, though. Watched it around the same time (E.G. was on a "Whaddya mean you never saw ______???" kick -- I watched the first 3 Star Wars movies for the first time, then, too.) I think it has to do with production values -- they were good at the time, but from a current perspective you're distracted by thinking "that looks SO fake!"
Rosemary's Baby was quelle creepy, though.
Yup, Jaws was amazingly good, which is amazing when you consider that the object causing all the fear was a mechanical shark that looked mechanical. I think that Spielberg got lucky with the shark, not that he needed luck. The fact that the shark was rarely functioning properly forced him to keep it from view. This heightened the anticipation. By the time we got to see Bruce, we were prepared to be scared, despite the fact that Bruce didn't look real
A similar thing occurred in Psycho. Although I'm sure that Hitchcock planned it, the fact is that not seeing the "mother" until well into the movie heightened our anticipation and our fear at the revelation. Uh oh. I'm remembering when I went to see Psycho. My friends were afraid to look at the screen. I can look at anything in a movie. When Vera Miles went to the fruit cellar and tapped deal ole mom on the shoulder, my friends couldn't look. They wanted to know what happened. I said, "Mommy is a mummy." I may have ruined the movie for some folks around me who started to laugh. Sometimes I can't help myself.
I'll refrain from telling you about another choice remark I made at a movie. It's too far off topic.