I am not simply saying that good is the opposite of evil. I purposefully said that that was not what I was saying if you would care to read the first post again. I actually listed it among the things that I made very clear I was not talking about. The purpose here was not to talk about good and evil, but about choice. I purposefully made a definition of both good and evil such that it would apply to everyone.
Without an objective reality on some level, there is no langauge, no philosophy, no logic. If you really think there's no objectivity anywhere, why are you here? Or, I guess it's just my mistake, it's all relative. To me it appears as though you posted on this thread, but in reality, you haven't. Or have you? It's just your word against mine, I guess. Well, that is, if your word is actually even here.
The goals correspond to whatever the person believes is the right thing to do. Haven't we already been over this?
PS - are you saying that were we not socially conditioned to like cake, we would instinctively abhor it? I really doubt that. I have actually been thinking about that a lot recently, and not so recently. Last year I had a reading in one class that claimed (without evidence) that all people everywhere were naturally inclined to like sugary things. That same day, my prof in another class proclaimed (also without evidence) that eating habits, in particular the habits of children to desire sugary things, were completely socially conditioned. Every single class I take is a sociology class, no matter what field it's in.

Everyone's got theories and no one's got facts.
But seriously, here are some facts-
- sugar is a nutrient that your body needs
- chocolate contains endorphins. I know we didn't specify chocolate, but, let's say that the cake is chocolate, just for fun.
Wouldn't you then be naturally inclined to eat the cake?
As for morality, it doesn't matter how you understand it so long as you pick a goal that you consider to be moral. If you lived in Iraq, your goals would probably be much different than if you were in America. But your actions would stay the same relative to your goals.
An interesting note to add to your list of animal behavior - certain types of monkey also murder their young, if they are the offspring of their mate and another (male) monkey besides themself (themselves??).