"By nature capitalism is not totalitarian"
To collect the optimum surplus value (money made from others labour, labour is property) The capitalist must use violence to take the workers property by force.
The capitalist that negotiates a fair wage with a worker will collect far less surplus value then the capitalist that makes the worker a slave through methods of violence, control, terror,etc,etc. So the first capitalist that nogotiated with the worker (free market) is put out of buissness and the capitalist that refines totalitarianism is the winner. The free market is bad for surplus value and therefore bad for the winning capitalist.
That is why America trains death squads at the the WHISC or the School of the Americas. So we have a slave labour force to collect the most surplus value. There labour is there property stolen (because they are out gunned) and turned into our profit. When they try to start a labour movement we call them "COMMUNIST" and you, David are inlisted to help do to others what you would not have them do to you. This is the oppisite of the beatitudes.
So are we decieved or are we hippocrites?
There is no logical arguement against this because I am telling you the TRUTH. THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE....but make you painfully responsible.