Thu 9 Oct, 2003 10:42 am
Timberland is a font of ideas for me today. Perhaps what's wrong with this country is a lack of moderators.
Let's say Italgato is the Nazi Prick GWB.
I am the low bred Sexual Predator Bill Clinton.
One could argue that although we sit on opposite sides of the fence we both equally suck.
We bitterly argue our points and snipe at each other until we stop making any point at all other than sniping at one another.
Because we support an open exchange of ideas, Italgato and Bi-Polar Bear are allowed these exchanges, but a moderator, Timberland for instance keeps a close eye on things and cuts one of our water off if necessary to maintain order.
One could argue that our leaders should be like timberland the moderator, because if Bi-polar Bear on the one side or Italgato on the other was moderating the site it would quickly disintegrate into ****, just as it could be argued that a country run by GWB on the one hand and Clinton on the other, has disintegrated because government is no longer moderating and reigning anyone in when necessary.
Where are those leaders in a world gone mad?
What a refreshing idea. Yes, we need political moderators, like yesterday.
Well, Bi-Polar, a true muscleman will soon be the governor of California. He'll be asked to lead the world's fifth largest economy out of the financial hole it has dug for itself.
Is he the type of leader for whom you yearn?
Perhaps what BPB is saying is that we need diplomats in office. What kind of BS is happening between the Koreas and the US? And between arafat and sharon......? Diplomacy is one of the finer aspects of politics, imo, and we have a sorry lack of it today.
Well maybe for some, WH -- they envision a poltician who can get his way by pounding his opponent into submission when nothing else seems to work.
Lightwizard wrote:Well maybe for some, WH -- they envision a poltician who can get his way by pounding his opponent into submission when nothing else seems to work.
the Bush admin's opinion of diplomacy.
Bi Polar's opinion is that there is an equivalency between a "Nazi Prick"( which he calls Geroge W. Bush)
and a low bred sexual predator( which he calls Bill Clinton.
I am very much afraid that Bi Polar Bear is egregiously mistaken.
I don't know about low bred for Clinton but there are tons of evidence that he was( is?) a sexual predator.
However, there is no evidence at all that would allow George W. Bush to be labelled a Nazi.
I hope that Bi Polar Bear is aware that one of the defining characteristics of the Nazi Party is that they put Millions of people, Millions of Jews, Millions of slave laborers, thousands of disabled people and thousands of gay people to death in the concentation camps. Bi Polar Bear's nomenclature is sadly skewed.
He should try again.
Apparently Bi Polar Bear feels that moderation is the answer. He puts Bush on one side and Clinton on the other.
I hope that Bi-Polar Bear knows that in some cases, moderation does not work.
If 10,000 executions a year is at one pole
No executions a year is at the other pole
Some will give good reasons why the numbers must remain the same for the particular ideal they profess.
Ummm... who had the last word in more executions? Clinton as Governer of Arkansas, or Bush as Governer of Texas?
Maybe executions isn't a good criteria...
Oh, of course, Bush had more executions. That is irrelevant to my argument. Despite Aristotle's comment about the Golden Mean the truth is not always in the "middle."
There are some things that you can't compromise on!