Thu 9 Jul, 2009 08:06 am
I'm seriously thinking Blagojevich is comparable to Spiro Agnew, they didn't really do anything not common to high-ranking politicos; they were just stupid in how they went about it.
True. If you pay attention to Il. politics you will notice that the leg. is still blameing the present governor for all the problems that they caused.
Yeh, but I doubt that Blago ever made any speeches as rousing as Agnew's "nattering nabobs of negativism" spiel, or similar.
@Merry Andrew,
He could spin out a phrase, couldn't he?
I liked "an effete corps of impudent snobs".
Don't you sometimes wonder whether his speech writers weren't all closet Democrats and were snickering behind his back when he actually came out and
said these things?