Sick America
Monday 06 July 2009
by: Eric Desrosiers
"In spite of all the ill spoken about it, the American health care system is even sicker than is generally believed, if only for economic reasons," writes Éric Desrosiers. (Cartoon: Manny Francisco / The Manila Times)
In spite of all the ill spoken about it, the American health care system is even sicker than is generally believed, if only for economic reasons.
The mother of all battles began a few weeks ago in Washington over the question of reform of the American health care system. This battle is not the first; in fact, the first proposals for in-depth change go back to the Truman administration years.
As everyone knows, one of the important reasons for this desire for change derives from the fact that the United States is the only developed country in the world, the whole population of which is not covered by one or another form of health insurance. Close to 50 million Americans, or 16 percent of the population, are purely and simply left on their own.
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