@Green Witch,
Your diatribe and tirade is getting a bit taxing Greenwitch. My issue with Pharmacies placing the wrong labels on prescriptions is a very serious one. I volunteer and help out those with special needs and disabilities by driving them to medical appointments and to pick up thier perscriptions. I believe that you are wrong to make out the pharmacy's error in labeling as "trivial." Suppose one medication was for joint pain and the other needed in the onset of a heart attack. Who do you think would be liable if a death occurred?
I looked at this special needs person's bottles after his son noticed the error. The contents of the big bottle would have overflowed the smaller of the two bottles. The labels were definately placed wrong. Even if somehow he switched the labels (which is not easy without tearing the lable) the contents the big bottle just could not fit into the small bottle where its lable was placed on. How many others has happened to? This is a very dangerous error and there should be safeguards and overseers in place to double check these types of serious errors before being released to the patient.
I am also not in this for "the money" as you state. You need to also be very carefully with your statements about me online and in public. There is such a thing called "libel and slander" which is "a false report maliciously uttered and tending to injure the reputation of a person."
I hope you can less denouncing in the future and more thoughtful in your critique of my writings.