We need to do about four or five things, all simple, all inexpensive:
Eliminate medical lawsuits. That would immediately eliminate half or more of the cost of medicine in the US. You'd have to also establish a general fund to pay victims of malpractice for real losses, and a system to weed out bad doctors.
Eliminate overly restrictive practices in schools which turn out doctors, anesthesiologists and the like. That's basically trust busting.
Eliminate monopolistic practices involving drugs: more trust busting.
Eliminate the WW-II era idea of triage where it clearly isn't called for and/or doesn't work. That means eliminating the idea of the indigent using emergency rooms as medical centers etc. etc.
There might be a couple of other things to add to that list, but that's the general idea. That first item of course would be the hardest step. The trial lawyers' guild is one of the two major sources of funding for the demoKKKrat party...