Quote:I didn't want to tell MA because I was afraid he'd say that I was suffering from dementia. But I did tell him, and he said he had seen the ghost too.
Here's the strange part: I became aware of what seemed to be an unexplained presence in the house at various times very soon after we moved in, 1st of April. I deliberately refrained from saying anything about it to Sglass because I know she takes these things quite seriously and I didn't want to frighten or upset her. Then she says to me last night, "Do you know there's a ghost in this house?" Could've knocked me over with a feather duster.
See, I tend to be a very practical-minded person who takes anything that smacks of the supernatural with a large grain of salt. Rattling doorknobs and waywardly swinging doors
could be due to a draft from some as yet unidentified source. But I have actually
felt a presence; that's the only way I know how to describe it. The creaking floors and swinging doors don't mean much -- that really
could be just the wind or the house settling. Maybe.
Seems to be a quite friendly spirit, if, indeed, spirit it is. As Sglass said, the cat seems to be aware of it and shows no signs of panic. It's like it's the former owner of this house, checking to see whether the new people here are okay and nodding quiet approval.
I'd like to say I've seen it, but
"see" is too strong a word. My first "encounter" was perhaps three or four days after moving in. I was coming out of the upstairs bathroom and had a very strong sense that I had just missed bumping into somebody. There was something visual at the periphery of my vision, but it was gone more quickly than you can draw a breath. So I can't say I "saw" it. But, folks, I sensed something.