Sun 14 Jun, 2009 09:47 am
1, servi canem (ferox, ferocem) retraxerunt.
2, mercator (stultus, stultum) pecuniam amisit.
3,ego (multi, multos) iuvenes in foro vidi.
4, ornatrix (laeta, laetam) coquo osculum dedit.
5, amici (fortes, fortibus) libertum servaverunt.
6, mater (parvi, parvos,parvis) pueris cibum paravit.
Is it the case that you want us to do your homework for you?
I'll have to offer my declension to participate . . .
You decline to be a participle, set?
I would not want to conjugate with the wrong kind of people . . .
Even my grammar would've seen through this.
no i just wanted some help
What they're saying, Emma, is that they don't want to do your homework for
you. But if you post what you've been able to do on your own, maybe we can
help you over the tough spots.