Minuteman Leader murders 9 year old girl.

Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sun 14 Jun, 2009 01:15 am
@ebrown p,
I'm glad you've chosen to elaborate because I didn't know why you posted the video. It didn't seem like it detailed a response to the threat you perceive.

First, I want (and expect) a government response. Last month the Department of Homeland Security published a report on the threat of domestic terrorism. I would like these programs to be strongly supported at high levels in government and well funded (of course they should act both aggressively and within the law).

This seems pretty vague.

What government response do you want and expect?

The following is all I can find in the DHS report you've cited:

DHS/I&A will be working with its state and local partners over the next several months to ascertain with greater regional specificity the rise in rightwing extremist activity in the United States, with a particular emphasis on the political,economic, and social factors that drive rightwing extremist radicalization.

This seems pretty vague as well, and more like research than anything else.

I note the report also contains the following:

The DHS/Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A) has no specific information that domestic rightwing* terrorists are currently planning acts of violence...

Threats from white supremacist and violent antigovernment groups
during 2009 have been largely rhetorical and have not indicated plans to carry out violent acts.

Rightwing extremists have capitalized on the election of the first
African American president, and are focusing their efforts to recruit new
members, mobilize existing supporters, and broaden their scope and appeal
through propaganda, but they have not yet turned to attack planning.

Most statements by rightwing extremists have been rhetorical, expressing concerns about the election of the first African American president, but stopping short of calls for violent action.

Debates over appropriate immigration levels and enforcement policy
generally fall within the realm of protected political speech under the First Amendment...

DHS/I&A assesses that lone wolves and small terrorist cells embracing violent rightwing extremist ideology are the most dangerous domestic terrorism threat in the United States.

Emphasis added.

Second, there is extremist rhetoric coming from within "mainstream" (if mainstream is measured by the size of their audience) conservative media; from Glen Beck to Rush Limbaugh to Coulter to Terry Randall.

Can you provide examples of this extremist rhetoric?

Many people say that Terry Randall (of Operation Rescue) should be held accountable for the violent rhetoric that justifies murder

Many people? Any of them district attorneys or federal prosecutors?

Here's what I can find on Randall's comments:

George Tiller was a mass-murderer. We grieve for him that he did not have time to properly prepare his soul to face God. Unless some miracle happened, he left this life with his hands drenched with the innocent blood of tens of thousands of babies that he murdered. Surely there will be a dreadful accounting for what he has done. I believe George Tiller was one of the most evil men on the planet; every bit as vile as the Nazi war criminals who were hunted down, tried, and sentenced after they participated in the 'legal' murder of the Jews that fell into their hands. But even Mr. Tiller - like other murderers - deserved a trial of his peers, and a legal execution, not vigilante justice.... Our actions must be equal to this crime: we must continue with vigorous (yet peaceful) actions such as have been used by every social revolution since America's birth....

Not a glowing testimony to the life of George Tiller, but it falls very far short of justifying the killing or inciting additional murders.

Apparently he also released a video in which, according to Wikipedia,
he called President Barack Obama and pro-choice politicians child killers, and described Tiller as a "mass murderer" who "reaped what he sowed." He voiced regret that Tiller wasn't able to "get things right with his maker" and that it was unfortunate that he didn't get a "trial of a jury of his peers and to have a proper execution."

Not something I would consider appropriate, but hardly actionable.

...I want strong condemnations of both the violence acts, and the organizations who provide the rhetoric that justifies them. Groups that support this speech should be challenged, and then shamed. I believe that advertisers should be targeted...It turns out that after these murders, this line of attack is very effective (the pro-life folks are put on the defensive).

It seems, by these statement, that you reveal the actual goal of your call for responsive free speech --- to disrupt and "put on the defensive" people and organizations with which you have ideological differences. There is no legitimate reason to believe that the vast majority of "pro-life folks" and pro-life organization condone violence or celebrate Tiller's death, and yet you consider it effective that they be pressured to deny that they do. It's even more clear to me that you wish for the story that is the core of this thread to be attributed to the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps so that they too can be "put on the defensive," despite the fact that there is nothing they need to defend.

You're within your rights to use free speech for your intended purpose, but your self-righteous attitude about it is pretty hollow.

Reply Sun 14 Jun, 2009 03:24 am
Finn wrote:

It seems, by these statement, that you reveal the actual goal of your call for responsive free speech --- to disrupt and "put on the defensive" people and organizations with which you have ideological differences. There is no legitimate reason to believe that the vast majority of "pro-life folks" and pro-life organization condone violence or celebrate Tiller's death, and yet you consider it effective that they be pressured to deny that they do. It's even more clear to me that you wish for the story that is the core of this thread to be attributed to the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps so that they too can be "put on the defensive," despite the fact that there is nothing they need to defend.

You're within your rights to use free speech for your intended purpose, but your self-righteous attitude about it is pretty hollow.

Self righteous is right on the money.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Jun, 2009 05:56 am
That, and economic downturns traditionally add to the loonies.
Diest TKO
Reply Sun 14 Jun, 2009 08:04 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn, the bottom line is that this IS happening. These people are extremist right-wingers. They are emboldened to this action because they are fed propaganda that tells them they should take action, even if not specifically killing.

I'd like to know where all the pro-torture people are right now? How do we know these events are isolated lone wolves? Maybe there are more planned attacks.

I jest. I don't think these people should be tortured, but I'm speaking to the real problem that conservatives were fuming at the idea of "right-wing terrorists." As if, the right wing is too pure to produce such violent and toxic mentalities. It's time to acknowledge that this is a real threat.

Back during all the tea parties you could find lots of racist propaganda being promoted at these events. Ideas of government upheaval and revolt romanticized into people's heads as if there would be something noble about it.

These murders were premeditated. Planned. I suspect there will be more. This is at it's root terrorism: The use of violence to be intimidating or coercive to a specific group.

Reply Sun 14 Jun, 2009 11:39 am
@Diest TKO,

I jest. I don't think these people should be tortured, but I'm speaking to the real problem that conservatives were fuming at the idea of "right-wing terrorists." As if, the right wing is too pure to produce such violent and toxic mentalities. It's time to acknowledge that this is a real threat

and the Left has eco-terrorists, Greenpeace. Peta...your team is not saintly either, so get off of your ******* high horse. We are all in this together, mental illness, extremism, and in inability to talk to each other and get along with each other hurts all of us. How much are you personally part of the problem TKO, you with your constant intolerance of those you don't agree with, and constant unwillingness to try to get to know and understand people whom you don't agree with? Even now when we have obvious crazies, people whom have been known to be unstable for years by the people who know them, when they go out and do bad things you need to make it all about the opposing team being bad. You need to be right, it has to be the other teams fault, your hands have to stay clean so that you can prop up this illusion that you have about yourself . Why aren't you screaming because individuals who needed help never got help? This should offend you. Why do you stay in your head and keep peddling your pet beliefs to anyone who will listen when your people (Americans) are fractured and hurting and scared and mentally unwell? Where did your priorities get so screwed-up?

I don't think that you are a bad guy TKO, you are just young and immature, you will grow out of it I am sure. I do wish that you would open your mind a little bit though, that you were receptive helping your people come together rather than being so militant all of the time .
Reply Sun 14 Jun, 2009 12:35 pm
Re: ebrown p (Post 3676046)
The title here is wrong from start to finish - there was NO "Minuteman Leader" involved, there's been NO indictment for "murder" (never mind a conviction, without which you CANNOT legally use the term "murder") and the 9-year old girl was there because her parents took her there - no responsibility falls on those parents, eh? Don't bother with either the law or the truth, just rant on - you accomplish more in discrediting your pet cause than anyone else ever could.

Reply Sun 14 Jun, 2009 12:39 pm
Hawkeye wrote:

and the Left has eco-terrorists, Greenpeace. Peta...your team is not saintly either, so get off of your ******* high horse. We are all in this together, mental illness, extremism, and in inability to talk to each other and get along with each other hurts all of us. How much are you personally part of the problem TKO, you with your constant intolerance of those you don't agree with, and constant unwillingness to try to get to know and understand people whom you don't agree with? Even now when we have obvious crazies, people whom have been known to be unstable for years by the people who know them, when they go out and do bad things you need to make it all about the opposing team being bad. You need to be right, it has to be the other teams fault, your hands have to stay clean so that you can prop up this illusion that you have about yourself . Why aren't you screaming because individuals who needed help never got help? This should offend you. Why do you stay in your head and keep peddling your pet beliefs to anyone who will listen when your people (Americans) are fractured and hurting and scared and mentally unwell? Where did your priorities get so screwed-up?

I don't think that you are a bad guy TKO, you are just young and immature, you will grow out of it I am sure. I do wish that you would open your mind a little bit though, that you were receptive helping your people come together rather than being so militant all of the time .


Thanks Hawkeye--You hit what I have been searching for . The problem with TKO is that he is young and immature. Anyone who reads his post on another thread about his alleged sexual conquests knows that he is a shameless blowhard who has identified himself as a narcissistic and immature person.
Reply Sun 14 Jun, 2009 12:42 pm
"shameless blowhard who has identified himself as a narcissistic and immature person"

that's a nice phrase for some other ass I keep seeing around too much...

Reply Sun 14 Jun, 2009 01:25 pm

WOW, apply negative label and dismiss, how original of you. And small. Genoves at least makes the attempt to engage and participate in debate and discussion. And so do I. You are on very shaky ground with your implied claim of being better than us.
ebrown p
Reply Sun 14 Jun, 2009 01:27 pm
and the Left has eco-terrorists, Greenpeace. Peta...your team is not saintly either, so get off of your ******* high horse.

Right-extremists shoot immigrants, abortion doctors, or holocaust museum guards. Left wing extremists block boats or open cages. When is the last time there was a murder committed by Greenpeace or Peta?
ebrown p
Reply Sun 14 Jun, 2009 01:30 pm
9-year old girl was there because her parents took her there -

Huh? She was there because the lived there.

These Minutemen extremists broke into this 9 year old girl's house in the middle of the night and shot her.
Reply Sun 14 Jun, 2009 01:35 pm
@ebrown p,
ebrown p wrote:

9-year old girl was there because her parents took her there -

Huh? She was there because the lived there.

These Minutemen extremists broke into this 9 year old girl's house in the middle of the night and shot her.

That's cold blooded murder.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Jun, 2009 01:37 pm
@ebrown p,
Left wing extremists block boats or open cages. When is the last time there was a murder committed by Greenpeace or Peta?

To my knowledge current strains of left wing extremists in America are rarely directly responsible for human death, which is admirable. I am not educated on the subject enough to say if this always holds however. Looking at history I think that leftist radicals in many societies have been known to kill, and during the sixties/seventies American leftist radicals certainly were willing to kill.
Reply Sun 14 Jun, 2009 01:39 pm
thanks hackey for the warning.

troll in training pants...

you keep pretending you bring something to the table besides your tiresome spew .
Reply Sun 14 Jun, 2009 01:48 pm
yeah, the 60's, that's when I shot the sheriff but I did not shoot no deputy down.
Merry Andrew
Reply Sun 14 Jun, 2009 01:50 pm
If you actually remember the 60s, you weren't there.
Diest TKO
Reply Sun 14 Jun, 2009 01:50 pm
@ebrown p,
ebrown p wrote:

and the Left has eco-terrorists, Greenpeace. Peta...your team is not saintly either, so get off of your ******* high horse.

Right-extremists shoot immigrants, abortion doctors, or holocaust museum guards. Left wing extremists block boats or open cages. When is the last time there was a murder committed by Greenpeace or Peta?

Yeah. The left has eco-terrorists, and guess what? The very same DHS report that sites the threat of right-wing extremism addresses the potential threat of left-wing extremism too.

The report, which is proving more and more accurate with each week, states that left wing extremists are more likely to engage in cyber terrorism. The nice thing about this is that we already have in place agencies and people in charge of cyber terrorism. I think that groups like eco-terrorists aren't going to be successful in their goals. The right wing extremists however seem to be very successful at their goals, namely: Murder.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Jun, 2009 02:13 pm
That's dangerous technique, david. The magnum load uses a tighter crimp, and its recoil can unseat the bullet in the .44 special cartridge. It has been known to freeze the cylinder - a problem not often encountered in automatics.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Jun, 2009 02:31 pm
thanks hackey for the warning.

troll in training pants...

you keep pretending you bring something to the table besides your tiresome spew

I bring myself to the table asshole, just as you do. I however have the civility to not tell others that they don't belong at the table and that they don't contribute to the conversation, which makes me a better man than you are.
Diest TKO
Reply Sun 14 Jun, 2009 02:43 pm
Oh really?

Your TKO you're young and you'll figure it out one day (presumably as you view things) rhetoric really screams of the welcoming invite that I belong at the table. You're full of it.

You don't bring it. However in your mind, I'm sure you think you're a pretty good debater.



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