C-J change the station " the nearest I get to a bank nowadays is the mud bank that is the Old Muddy.
Hey Cyclops wait up! It is so rare that I get to shoot the breeze with someone under 30 since I started helping out down at the A2K seniors club. Unaccustomed as I am to addressing intellectuals sporting a beard and glasses; was it really you on the drums playing ‘Hillbilly Disco’? If so; that’s pretty cool. But what is that yellow band on your wrist?
Just curious.
I know where you are coming from Bill and $50 bucks may be pocket change to you; but with a fresh supply of gurley material I can make $400 a day!
Good onya Merry Andrew for coming up to the plate. In answer to your question; I have checked the security camera and if this still is a shot of your ‘pinkies’ then ……
You are a hero; a national treasure even!