Sun 5 Oct, 2003 09:25 am
Do we all have skeletons in our closet? Think back if you were campaigning for public office today do you remember anything you wrote or said or did that could be used against you by your opponent?
It all depends
It all depends on the nature of the skeleton in the closet. Love affairs in one's past might make a difference for some, not for others. I think the difference is whether or not the actions or events harmed other people and demonstrated a serious character flaw.
Criminal behavior probably would be a bar. Corruption should be a bar.
Hmmmm... so if nobody ever hears about the porcupine, Tonya Harding,and the five quarts of honey, I should be safe......
Hobit, I won't tell if you won't tell.

But I am curious about the porcupine.
It was a prickly situation all around!

Ask Baltham, he knows the details!
What's with the porcupine?
I was always afraid of skeletons in the closet, so I don't keep mine in there.
Hope mine don't get fleshed out
I have built a enormous walk-in closet just to accommodate all of my skeletons. My original closet was overcrowded -- the skeletons were so plentiful that the walls bulged and I felt the structure of the closet would be compromised. Thus, the walk-in.
For the time being my skeletons have room to roam. But I've got a lot of living in front of me.
That sounds great Gus, but I don't even like mine in the house :-(
herr Gustav, considering your avatar, are they Skeletons or
Relics ?
There is a small local museum in Connecticut that quite literally found it had a skeleton in it's closet. It belonged to a local doctor who lived in the house in the 18th century and it turned out that it was the skeleton of his former slave. The remains are being given a decent burial.
I got a few back in there. But my closet door is bolted shut and my lips are sealed.
Outgrew the closet. Favor the Pine Barrens in NJ
Of course I have skellingtons - you prolly oughtn't to be allowed to run for public office if you don't - cos it means you haven't lived enough. I mean, they aren't HUGE - but they're there all right....
It's okay until the skeleton comes out of the closet.
There's nothing worse than a fey bag of bones.
My own experience has been that the older I get, the fewer skeletons I find in my closet. Somehow, the ones that were there continue to dissipate in one's memory, and I am not energetic enough to find any more to replace skeletal memories forgotten.
I keep my skeletons outside in the shed, so if they ever decide to come out I can just say that they're not mine.