My avatar just resembles my own silhouette. Including spectacles that I wear since age of 10.
That's a pretty good image, steissd. Just one thing though ... I don't detect the presence of ears. So how do you keep those spectacles in place?
BTW, welcome to A2K. :wink:
Well, in fact, I have ears, though they are neither large nor prominent; but they are enough to keep spectacles in place. I did not experience any problems with this during the last 30 years.
And it happens that I am quite visible; I even have a shadow and anyone can see that I reflect in mirror (I mean, in real life, and not on avatar).
Jolly good, steissd. Your ears sound commendable, as is your obvious facility with English.
I think my avatar is taking me over......
Deb I hate to say this but I agree. I used to always think of you in the hot tub sipping champagne and now I think of you as a smirking rabbit smoking a cig.
You kind of look like my bunny rabbit without the smoke of course, and my bunny in a light grey, lol.
hmmmm, nice topic, gang! I, of course, just now found it when it has been rolling along for a while now!
My avatar is definitely a changing one. At present, tis representing "Data" from Next Generation. He's my fav hero on that show! Something about being clinically observatory with processing of "data" and then the quest to become a Real Boy....oh, wait, I am thinking of Pinocchio...
Actually, my present state is definitely a Data sort of personna...Hope to get back to something fuzzy / squishy / or cuddly, soon.
Bondage ain't no good to teddy bears - they got no sexual organs - just seams!
hmmmm - maybe they get all seamed up at that......
dlowan, you never seen an anatomically correct stuffed bear, wait a second, you're just a stuffed rabbit. As they say in Australia - "They stuff rabbits too!"
I am NOT a STUFFED rabbit!!!!!
I am a special rabbit - like a female version of Harvey - harrumph!
Naw, just a plain ole "bear" hug does the trick.

So - how do you KNOW that, CI?
don't knock seams. they call it the seamy side of life for a reason, ya know...
Well, I never HAVE knocked a seam - to my knowledge.....