Quote: I shoud apologize for being more facetious than I shoud have been.
Sometimes, I am inexorably drawn like a moth to a play on words.
IN Other words, you crack you up.
WATER and ICE may be related by chemistry but, on earth, they are not related by physics. The formation of continental ice sheets is not by any mechanism that is similar to water bodies.
A planet covered by ice will actually have less area covered by actual water than an area inundated during a planetary "Wurm".
I suppose you know that we know of know fish that can swim around within an ice sheet.
If you see information from Coumbia, the evidence of glaciation during the pre Cambrian is pretty widespread but not worldwide and ,if it was, we would expect several things to have happened (Isostacy of glaciated bodies would be seen in later deposists after "unweighting": or mass extinctions of Ediacaran life: a "source area"
The Columbia hypothesis uses the excess of CO2 and CH3 to form slushy clathrate (hydrate) deposits that could overwhelm the planet until a sunspot cycle or a more propitious axial alignment of the planets could present a larger face to the sun and cause warming.