Fri 3 Oct, 2003 01:05 am
It is clear, from the interim report by Bush's 'unbiased' team of tame inspectors, that Iraq had no Weapons of Mass Destruction and no ability to even deliver them before, during or after the run-up to the invasion.
Precisely the opposite of what was loudly proclaimed on television, day an night, for months, either by lying mass-murdering scum with hidden agendas or simply gross incompetents unfit for jobs as dog-catchers.
Which description applies most appropriately to Bush, Rumsfeld, Chaney, Rice, Powell and their overseas poodles?
Or are our politicians all as innocent as new born babes and was it the intelligence agencies, who gobble-up billions of dollars in taxpayers' money every year, all to blame?
In which case, who appointed them and why have heads not rolled? Or are being liars and/or fools the new basis for employment in the security services?
And, if so, why have we not been told? After all, our prisons and institutions are over-crowded with potential candidates whose abilities are being under-utilised.
Careful, you'll upset professor Italgato.
Or get on the FBI watch list as an "undesirable element".
Your signature should be the motto of Republican party supporters.
The question remains is our intellegence that lacking that they actually believed and had the administration convinced that Saddam had WMD's at his disposal. Or did the Bush adminstration scam congress and the nation?
Bush is a scam artist. And a dangerous one at that who see's himself as God's personal messenger.
Oh, poor's not like they were a real country anyway. <please note sarcasm>
Quote:Oh, poor's not like they were a real country anyway. <please note sarcasm>
Actually sarcasm or not your statement is correct. It's borders were determined by the British with no regard for the varied ethnicity's and religious differences of the population. In essence it has artificial borders thanks to British colonialism.
I was just being polite au1929

Actually, I think Bush is a puppet who was duped by his own administration, and that will eventually come out, I think. I don't believe Bush Jr. is smart enough to scam anybody.
I hardly know what to think anymore... I just hate 'em all. The Supremes for allowing this to happen (yeah, I CAN'T get over it), the Executive Branch which is full of a conniving bunch of liars, the loose-cannons at the CIA/FBI and the Congress, which doesn't have a scruple between 'em.
I'd like this country to separate into about ten regional entitites that no longer have the power to bully everybody. And everybody who has made a bunch of money off the war should be forced to give it back and then hauled off to jail.
<well, yes, I am feeling a tad radical today>
This administration seems to have come from the "raid the coffers, screw the public" party.
There is no one to blame but the electorate of this nation. We put the bums in and probably will again. Ten separate entities will just mean additional nesting places for the inept and corrupt.
We have met the enemy and he is us? I agree, it's nearly hopeless. We're living in a world that's a combination of 1984 and Clockwork Orange -- it's a system that breeds and encourages corruption and was hired by an almost totally apathetic electorate. What a way to start the weekend.
Bush defends Iraq report
Friday, October 3, 2003 Posted: 10:25 AM EDT (1425 GMT WASHINGTON -- U.S. President George W. Bush has hit back at criticism arising from the Iraq Survey Group's failure to find any weapons of mass destruction (WMD).
Bush defended the decision to go to war after America's media pointed to the absence of a so-called smoking-gun being found by weapons inspectors after five months of searching.
He insults the intelligence of the American people or is he playing to it.
Piffka wrote:We have met the enemy and he is us? I agree, it's nearly hopeless. We're living in a world that's a combination of 1984 and Clockwork Orange -- it's a system that breeds and encourages corruption and was hired by an almost totally apathetic electorate. What a way to start the weekend.
And to add to the cinema analogies, the Animal House gang is in the White House!
Uh-huh... and what was the name of that Jim Carey movie? Liar, Liar.
Quote:Jay Rockefeller, ranking Democrat on U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee: "To be where we are today, without any evidence, talking about intent, talking about facilities, but nothing we can point to, and then asking for another six to nine months and a good deal of money, leads me to believe that we need to do some serious thinking about the doctrine of pre-emption."
cavfancier wrote:I was just being polite au1929

Actually, I think Bush is a puppet who was duped by his own administration, and that will eventually come out, I think. I don't believe Bush Jr. is smart enough to scam anybody.
I'll ditto that sentiment. And the scary perspective that he feels he speaks for his god.
au1929 wrote:The question remains is our intellegence that lacking that they actually believed and had the administration convinced that Saddam had WMD's at his disposal. Or did the Bush adminstration scam congress and the nation?
Actually, Au, our esteemed president has more important questions to deal with, specifically:
"Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?"-Florence, S.C., Jan. 11, 2000
"The important question is, How many hands have I shaked?"-Answering a question about why he hasn't spent more time in New Hampshire, in the New York Times, Oct. 23, 1999
He really is a moron.
He's a delight -- always coming up with funny lines.
But he is a moron.
Credit where it is due, and blame as well. Iraq was created by Arthur Balfour, then a septuagenerian or octogenerian, and very nearly senescent politician, and Winston Churchill, a then forty-something politician aspiring to the leading role as last Imperial Lion of Britain. They got the go ahead to carve up the middle east from Clemenceau, so long as they left France a hearty slice, and they did their level best to divy up the resources into convenient packages for fast, fast exploitation--hence, a country with a powerful and sophisticated Sunni, tribal minority, and largely nomadic and spiritualistic, clueless Shiite majority, while Kurds dreamt of their ancient glories when they ruled the land, and their great folk hero, Saladin, made even the Franj tremble. How very convenient, with oil in Kurdistan, and near the ancient port of Basra, and not one, but two rivers run through it . . .
It is the on-going Western display of a deep cultural and historic comprehension of meaning in the life of the Muslim which continues to endear us to them . . .