I had one student do a paper on "Troglomorphy" once and the result was a positive correlation with an entire bank of morphological features that were (AS I RECALL) controlled by a very few gene functions. SO, while you posted about the whiteness of troglodytes ( also a common trogmorph is "clearness"), the entire complement for cave related features include several functional groups. (eg as eyes diminsih, other forms of enviro sensing become modified upward, or legs (all from the PAX) become ridiculously extended and cephalon sensor features increase).
Im no experet at all, Ive just recalled all I can remember (we were looking for foissil representatives of cave dwellers in the stratigraphic record and this studentwent on to do aPhD with another advisor because it became a real paleo problem not a geo one).
ID look up "GEnetic control of Troglomorphy" on Google and get back to us with a report. Im late for a fuckin meeting and you go and ask this damn question, Im gonna be late now.