CNN - the embarrassment of New Organizations

Reply Fri 17 Apr, 2009 08:01 pm

I knew you liked scrotum, all liberal extremist do.
You are all lining up for a chance at PrezBO's scrotum... have a ball.

Reply Fri 17 Apr, 2009 08:56 pm

I knew you liked scrotum, all liberal extremist do.
You are all lining up for a chance at PrezBO's scrotum... have a ball.

Hmm, it tells folks alot about you when you post constantly about oral sex. I bet that you are the organizing chairman for the million man felch.

but again you make the case normal people have with the bizarre mentality of right wing nuts, viz., you don't have the ability to discuss things objectively, and you wonder why people laugh at you?
Reply Sat 18 Apr, 2009 03:39 am
What's up, K?

Still fighting the good fight, I see.
Reply Sat 18 Apr, 2009 05:23 am
kuvasz wrote:

Hmm, it tells folks alot about you when you post constantly about oral sex.

I'm just parroting a liberal extremist thing... outing you for the freak of nature you are.
You left wing extremist are better than going to the zoo Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Sat 18 Apr, 2009 10:48 am
Hi Snood! It is good to see you again.

Casting pearls to a swine like waterboy is not much of a fight. He is a typical Georgia racist clown who is intimidated by folks with an IQ above ambient spring temperature. What galls him most is that having a black man as president reflects on his own personal failures as a white man, with all its social advantages. He feels castrated and lashes out at people. Plainly, he is as racists are most often, an emotional cripple and if he did not spout out so much hate he would be pitied instead of being held up as a laughing stock to normal folks. I look at his racist rants as the price we pay for freedom of speech. But, you just have to feel a little compassion that circumstances could twist a human so badly.

There is a story about a Jewish man during the Holocaust who knelt in prayer inside the gates of the Auschwitz concentration camp. When he was asked what he was praying to God for, he said he was praying to God in thanks that the Lord had not made him into one of his Nazi SS guards.

That is how I feel about people like waterboy.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sun 19 Apr, 2009 12:26 am
@ebrown p,
Is that what she is?

I was wondering what the hell she did besides appearing on television and spewing idiotic diatribes
Reply Sun 19 Apr, 2009 01:30 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:

Is that what she is?

I was wondering what the hell she did besides appearing on television and spewing idiotic diatribes

what diatribe. i saw a clip on fox, but didn't sound like a diatribe to me.

but gosh, that "cnn sucks" sign that some guy was flashing around behind her sure was a stroke of genius.

yep. real genius. really, really relevant.

'cause everybody knows that there'd be no taxation if it weren't for cnn.
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sun 19 Apr, 2009 01:32 am
kuvasz wrote:
Calling tea baggers racist has direct correlation with reality by noting the racist signs about Obama at the rallies yesterday. You can reject the assessment, but you can not object to pointing out that racist signs were hoisted in abundance at the rallies, and the logical conclusion that racists were carrying them …. Without objection from the rest of the crowd. And I do not hold to the idea that a real tolerant person is tolerant to open racism.

I didn't see an abundance of racist signs in the limited coverage of tea parties available on TV, so I googled "racist signs tea parties" and found this link to The Huffington Post http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/04/16/10-most-offensive-tea-par_n_187554.html

The page contains 37 photos, 10 of which are labeled the most offensive and even employing a broad definition for racism, I identified only 4 so-called racist signs (A more realistic definition reduces the number to 3).

I was going to use a liberal definition but realized that would result in 37 photos being identified as racist, since all 37 are critical of Obama.

I guess you either flew around the country to attend all of the tea parties or found a lot more detailed news coverage than I did, because somehow you know that the crowds where these 3 racist signs were displayed didn't object to them.

This linked page: http://washingtonindependent.com/38877/scenes-from-the-dc-tea-party-more-photos contains 17 pictures. In one (1) there is an arguably racist sign.

This site: http://justgetthere.us/blog/archives/Racist-Provocateur-Exposed-at-San-Antonio-Tea-Party.html relates the story of one (1) clearly racist sign carried at the San Antonio tea party, but suggests the guy carrying it was a plant intended to discredit the rally and contends that this was also the opinion of other attendees.

And here http://open.salon.com/blog/joeinaustin/2009/04/15/is_this_tea-party_sign_racist there is a photo of a woman carrying a sign that reads "DON'T TAX ME BRO," and the question "Is this sign racist?"

I just followed the list of sites sequentially. Maybe if I had opened a few more I would have found evidence of the abundance of racist signs, but I doubt it. Maybe you can provide me your source for that information.

I note that you don't hold that true tolerance tolerates racism, which seems reasonable to me, but I guess you also hold that a truly tolerant person should have no problem with the use of the term"tea baggers" (in all its sophomorically lewd splendor) to describe the folks Including( women and children) who attended these events. Presumably the use of "tea baggers," and "tea bagging" is just good fun, while a reference to President Obama being a "Kenyan," is intolerably hateful.

And I would also presume that the use of these terms by CNN anchors to describe the protestors (even going so far as to say "It's hard to say anything when you are tea bagging.") isn't evidence of political bias anymore than a correspondent on the ground picking fights with the attendees as opposed to interviewing them.

Reply Sun 19 Apr, 2009 05:52 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
Give up....Liberals simply don't recognize racism when its staring them in the face...You tell them the truth and it's like showing fire to Frankenstein's monster. They have different brains then us conservatives...The limbic brain inside a leftie or black liberal is much larger in their head space than in a reasonable person, and it's pushing against the frontal lobe.
0 Replies
old europe
Reply Sun 19 Apr, 2009 07:30 am
DontTreadOnMe wrote:
but gosh, that "cnn sucks" sign that some guy was flashing around behind her sure was a stroke of genius.

yep. real genius. really, really relevant.

Well, here you go - teabaggers making use of their First Amendment rights:



Reply Sun 19 Apr, 2009 08:06 am
High taxes? In case you didn't realize it, the current tax rates are lower than they were under most of Reagan's time in office.

It seems you guys don't know your history at all.
Reply Sun 19 Apr, 2009 01:23 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
In a rational world one would not expect any signs denoting racism lofted in a protest about taxes. But conservatives are not rational any more.

btw when one sees things like this it is humanly impossible not to lampoon the basic cultural cluelessness of such people. He might as well have lofted a sign that said "Kick me I'm an idiot."

A Lone Voice
Reply Sun 19 Apr, 2009 11:11 pm

High taxes? In case you didn't realize it, the current tax rates are lower than they were under most of Reagan's time in office.

It seems you guys don't know your history at all.

Government doesn't create wealth, parados. Would you agree with this?

Government is certainly able to redistribute wealth. Or borrow against future wealth.

But printing money, creating 'stimulus' out of nothing but future tax recipients, is not creating wealth.

Granted, many of the people attending these rallies are benefiting by the Making Work Pay tax credit, with the extra $11 or so a check. Is this program doing anything for the economy? Many believe it is no more beneficial than the Bush $500 stimulus boondoggle last year.

But this money is coming from somewhere, isn't it? Obama is attempting to create a deficit that could total $9.3 trillion, more than four times what Bush created.

And everyone agrees Bush was a train wreck, the way he ran the economy, right?

People are actually looking beyond their own personal circumstances, beyond the benefit of the extra money in their paychecks via Obama and congress, and asking what these politicians are doing for the long term future of our country.

Sadly, most believe Obama and the dems are creating more problems that we will have to deal with in the future than they are solving now.

$9.3 trillion. That has to even scare you and the other libs here a bit, doesn't it?

Also, Obama has more than 50% of the country NOT paying taxes. If you don't have to pay for anything, do you really care how the money is spent?

Is this what Obama and the others in the left wing of the dem party are banking on?

Shouldn't everyone contribute, even if it's just a little, so we all have some skin in the game? Having a minority pay the freight for the majority will lead to the majority being complacent about what the government is doing with other people's money.

But again, maybe that's the idea, isn't it?
Reply Mon 20 Apr, 2009 05:18 am
@old europe,
old europe wrote:

Well, here you go - teabaggers making use of their First Amendment rights:

OE, what's wrong with American citizens making use of their First Amendment rights?
Reply Mon 20 Apr, 2009 07:09 am
@A Lone Voice,
But this money is coming from somewhere, isn't it? Obama is attempting to create a deficit that could total $9.3 trillion, more than four times what Bush created.
Where did you get that number from? The proposed deficit for the 8 years of Obama in his budget is 7.5 not 9.3. So where did you get your number from?
I got mine from the US Budget

$9.3 trillion. That has to even scare you and the other libs here a bit, doesn't it?
Scares me that you make up numbers? If that scared me, I wouldn't be able to get out of bed in the morning because the right seems to make up numbers every day. Between you, ican, Woiyo etc. You guys make up numbers all the time and then act scared about the numbers you made up and demand that the rest of us be scared of your numbers. Wooohhh, scarey number there LV. Too bad it doesn't have anything to do with the US budget for the next 8 years.

Also, Obama has more than 50% of the country NOT paying taxes.
Wooooh.. another scarey number.. Wow.. where did you get your 50% figure from? I would love to see your source for that.
You do realize that the word "tax" does NOT mean "income tax". "income" is a modifier that changes the word tax. I am curious how Obama has 50% of the country not paying taxes.
Lets assume a married couple makes 11,700 so pays no income taxes. But wait. That means they paid $895 in SS moneys and need to get that much back in tax credits to pay nothing. The funny thing is, unless they have kids they aren't going to get much in tax credits. The problem with the argument is that the top 4/5th of all income tax returns filed have TAXABLE incomes of $15,000 or more.

Even the Tax Foundation says only 43 million tax returns owed ZERO in "INCOME tax". The last time I checked, 43 million is NOT half of the US population. But that doesn't account for those that owed zero in income taxes but still payed hundreds if not thousands in FICA taxes.

So.. LV..
Simple questions..

Where did you get your 9.3 number from?
Where did you get your 50% number from?
Why do you think paying FICA tax is NOT a contribution even if it is a little?
A Lone Voice
Reply Mon 20 Apr, 2009 11:42 am

Where did you get that number from? The proposed deficit for the 8 years of Obama in his budget is 7.5 not 9.3. So where did you get your number from?
I got mine from the US Budget

You really didn't see this splashed all over the mainstream liberal media?


U.S. Faces Sea Of Red Ink
Unsustainable Trillion-Dollar Deficits Projected But White House Says Agenda Is On Track
WASHINGTON, March 20, 2009

(CBS/AP) President Barack Obama's budget would produce $9.3 trillion in deficits over the next decade, more than four times the deficits of Republican George W. Bush's presidency, congressional auditors said Friday...

Got my numbers here.

So, scared yet?

Also, you do realize the article you link to (Tax Foundation) is from over a year ago, before the Obama plan was initiated?

How does this relate to anything?

Here is a link citing 66 million taxpayers paying no income taxes:


Oh, and it's current. It states only 40 percent currently pay no tax. With the Obama recession, that number will rise as people earn less.

Nice side note of the article:

"Tax policy can also drive a wedge between government workers and those in the private sector.

Bureau of Labor Statistics data show that state and local government workers earn 43 percent more than private-sector workers, largely due to benefits costs. Government workers' interests are served by increasing taxes, while private workers are better served by keeping taxes under control. As government workers and their unions have become a large, powerful political bloc, the question returns: Who is serving whom?"

But then again, the Fed (at Obama's request) will just print more money to pay for expanded Federal government, won't they? Or raise taxes on the evil rich, while they last.

You make a good point re Soc Secuity taxes, medicare, etc. I was only speaking of income tax.

Of course, watch for these entitlement taxes to explode when the government takes over health care and imposes yet another federal bureaucracy...

Anyway, parados, I guess I should ask WHEN you obtained yourr numbers? Your stuff seems to be dated...

old europe
Reply Mon 20 Apr, 2009 11:45 am
Nothing at all. If you want to take to the streets to publicly campaign for Fox News or deride any other news station, that's entirely your decision. I would never suggest that your rights to freedom of expression should be curtailed. I would never argue that you should not be allowed to go out and do what you're doing.

However, I would make use of my First Amendment rights and point out that if you're showing up to a supposedly political rally with a sign advertising one or the other specific corporation rather than participating in the political discourse that the rally supposedly is about, then you're really making an idiot out of yourself. And in public, too.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 20 Apr, 2009 04:55 pm
@A Lone Voice,
I got my numbers from the WH budget documents.
I don't know how the actual budget documents can be "dated" since your source claims it uses Obama's budget which is the source I used. So.. I used the actual numbers from the ACTUAL Obama Budget. What did you use? Oh.. A RW rag that uses rather fuzzy math.

So, are you saying Obama will be in office for the next decade if you want to use the WSJ's numbers? 10 years? Really? Don't you think that is just great? 10 years of Obama.

But wait.. he won't be there that long.. SO........

If you want to include years after Obama leaves office then I guess that means Bush is responsible for the over 3 trillion dollar in deficits for this year and next. Or maybe Obama is just using realistic numbers in his budgets, unlike the Bush budgets. Bush projected there would be a deficit of only 400 billion in fiscal year 2009 but he already had a deficit of over 600 billion for the 2009 fiscal year when he left office. It seems Bush wasn't realistic at all.

Since no one has filed for taxes any year that Obama is in office there is no record of who has paid taxes in those years. I used the most current numbers available.

Oh.. so your argument ignores 50% of federal taxes. Thanks for clearing that up. Do you always leave out 50% of taxes when talking about who pays taxes? That would mean your argument is BS since you leave out 50%.

66 million taxpayers paying no income taxes still doesn't mean they paid ZERO in taxes. It only means they may not have paid income taxes. (The last time I checked there weren't only 132 million tax filers in the US.)

You do realize that when you claim someone pays no taxes it should mean they pay no taxes, not they don't pay any of half the taxes.
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Mon 20 Apr, 2009 07:55 pm
Frankly DTOM, I wouldn't expect you to consider any anti-american, anti-conservative screed a diatribe, and so I have factored your comment accordingly.

One sign ("CNN Sucks") tells us all we need to know about these events.

Finn dAbuzz
Reply Mon 20 Apr, 2009 08:04 pm
Kuvy wrote:
In a rational world one would not expect any signs denoting racism lofted in a protest about taxes. But conservatives are not rational any more.

Is that really your response?

What "rational" world can you imagine where at least 10% of the inhabitants will not be irrational?

And so if 10% of the conservatives participating in these events are irrational, we can, therefore, conclude that conservatives, in general, are no longer rational?

This has got to be the weakest and most idiotic Kuvy response ever.

You really are better than this one (at least I think so).


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