Illegal immigrants in the Bay State could be issued driver’s licenses under a controversial amendment tucked inside the house’s comprehensive transportation reform bill yesterday.
Minority Leader Rep. Brad Jones (R-North Reading) blasted the measure - which could come up for a vote today - saying undocumented aliens could use their driver’s licenses to try to vote or to board planes illegally.
“I don’t think this is the time or place for this,” Jones said. “If you’re here illegally, this driver’s license could be a breeder document to get so many other things.”
Rep. Tom Sannicandro (D-Ashland), who filed the amendment, said the measure would ensure safety on streets because immigrants would learn the local rules of the road.
Plus, he said, the licenses would help officials determine how many illegal immigrants reside in the state.
“We’re just putting our heads in the sand now. We could be verifying who these people are,” Sannicandro said.
The amendment is one of more than 100 attached to reform legislation that would abolish the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority and establish a mega-authority headed by the governor to oversee all the state’s transportation departments.
Transportation committee co-chairman Rep. Joe Wagner (D-Chicopee) was unsure if the measure will pass.
“It’s possible some of these amendments will be considered beyond the scope of the reforms,” Wagner said.
Issuing driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants has been a hot button issue across the country. The idea has drawn support from both Gov. Deval Patrick and President Obama.
Tom Sannicandro is either naive or stupid to think giving licenses to this group of criminals will "make the raods safer" and help us find out how many are here? Of course, Obama and Devil Patrick would support this.