Quote:It annoys me that a celebrity can go in and just "buy" a child rather than go through the normal legal route.
I haven't done any reading on Madonna's newest adoption quest, so I'm not informed. But it seems that she did go through the legal route and was turned down. Isn't that what happened?
Quote:A very good friend of mine adopted a child from China - it took her about 3 years.
Is your friend Chinese? Is that why she wanted a child from China? Because if she lives in America, there are books with pages upon pages of lists of children waiting to be adopted- many of them healthy, although not white and newborn - still babies though- and the whole process from adoption classes through homestudy and court can take less than a year.
I always wonder why people put themselves through the expense and waiting of an international adoption when there are so many children waiting to be adopted in their own country...a domestic adoption, especially through Department of Human Services is much cheaper and faster than any international adoption, which to me, actually smacks more of buying a baby - you can't do an international adoption for less than $20,000. Sometimes you can do a domestic adoption for a fee based on a sliding scale based on your income for the homestudy and 0 for court costs. I know. I did a domestic Department of Human Services adoption (and have the most wonderful sixteen year old daughter in the world to show for it). They are begging for people to adopt these kids.
Quote:A celebrity will go in on Monday and come home on Friday with a child. It also bothers me to think that sometimes these children have family, but these celebrities take them from whatever family they know.
Unless the family doesn't want them. I mean, these people can't just walk into a happy intact family and say, 'I'll take that one.' There has to be something going on that even makes the situation possible. And if a family is willing to sell a child to the highest bidder - jesus - that kid is probably better off just about anywhere but in that family, I'd think.
I've heard the argument that the child will live in the lap of luxury rather than in such poor surroundings. Does that then mean that any one with more money than you, should be able to buy your child because they can give your child a more expensive lifestyle?
No one can buy someone's child unless that person puts that child up for sale. And if I ran into someone on the street who was trying to sell his or her child - I'd be tempted to buy the child too, maybe not even because I wanted a child, but because I'd want to remove the child from that horrible situation.
I don't have any problem with these celebrities adopting these kids if they truly love them and aren't using them as status symbols of some sort. And as far as I'm concerned, the faster the better. Why drag it out and have the kid live in a bad situation for even a day longer than necessary?
I have no problem with anyone removing a child from a life of poverty and disease and giving him or her a nice home and I don't particularly care what that person does for a living, as long as they're willing and able to provide love and appropriate support.
I'd rather see them adopt kids who need to be adopted than have more of their own to tell you the truth. The world has more people already than it can healthily sustain.