Mon 29 Sep, 2003 07:21 pm
What would you suggest that will help equality of representation of US territories that is not part of the 50 states? example: US Virgin Island, Guam, Saipan, Etc.
Welcome to A2K, Ricardo_Tizon. You are going to like it here!
The first answer that comes to mind is "statehood." However, with "rights" come "responsibilities." Puerto Rico has voted more than once on this question and always voted against statehood. I'm not familiar with all of the ramifications of that question as it pertains to them. I think they had three choices: statehood, to remain as they are, and another "category." They chose to remain as they are, which means they have no equal representation in the U.S. Government - i.e., Congress. You can probably find a lot of info by typing various words into Google. Good luck! [/color]