@Bi-Polar Bear,
The sentence is...and I'm serious... "**** 'em if they can't take a joke."
I feel that having that sentence along with my family coat of arms is highly representative of the quinney's in general and me in particular.
Even squinney agrees it's perfect. I'm absolutely going to have it done for my birthday.
The idea, to digress, started the other day when squinney was talking about doing something she wanted to do at work and then apologizing after it was already done. We then likened becoming a Quinney to being in AA. It's like a 12 step program. When we first met she was very much an ask for permission type. After many years she is now a do what I like and apologize later if necessary type. we were discussing how she was just about to reach the next level in being "Quinnisized" as we call it, which is the "**** 'em if they can't take a joke" level, and not unlike AA how she would be getting her 20 year pin this year and we would put that saying on it along with the Quinney coat of arms.
That's when we decided it should be my next tattoo. Probably not the most fascinating story you'll hear this week, but squinney and I got a pretty good laugh out of it mostly because it was right on the mark.
I also found a company that does coat of arms and we're going to have the Quinney and the Graham coat of arms put together and framed.
I will trust you to send me a translation that actually says that. I don't want to get a tattoo that I love and find out years later on my deathbed it actually says "Look at the gay Yankee wanker" or something.