Quote:What is there to think about in regards to that particular issue?
Nothing, for you. You stopped the thinking thing a long while ago on this.
Quote:The groups that are related to the 9/11 attack are going to be exterminated, period.
By whom? Holy christian warriors and holy jewish warriors? Michael Ledeen and a few buddies? The Pentagon? After eight years, the two likely main perpetrators are still un-found, still un-exterminated.
Your project will take how many decades? The civic approval for your project will arise how? Funding will come from where?
The number of countries which now harbor sympathizers are how many? The number of individuals are how many hundreds of thousands or more spread across those nations? You'll identify them how? You'll get to them for extermination how? Who'll do it? How will they do it?
The taliban in Afghanistan has been resurgent now for several years. How will your warrior heroes handle this matter? How about Pakistan?
For every man or woman (or boy or girl) you exterminate, there are how many family members for each who will consider your project and its perpetrators deserving themselves of extermination? How large a circle of these would you propose to exterminate as well? Through third cousins?
Pardon me for considering that it's merely the end of your intellectual reach now.