Sun 28 Sep, 2003 06:31 pm
Perception: You are quite correct>
Here is a quote to remember:
"I don' t think anyone genuinely wants diversity. The true test of diversity for me is would people on the left vote for a really bright evangelical Christian who was a brilliant and articulare spokesman for the right to life, the right to own guns, nonintervention in South Africa, anti-gay approaches to life, anti-feminist views? Would there be a push to get such a person on the faculty? Now such a person would really diversify this place. Of course not. I think blacks want more blacks, women want more women, and leftists want more leftists. Everybody thinks diversification comes by getting mor of themselves, and that's not true diversity>'
Quote by
Professor Alan Dershowitz- Law Professor at Havard Law School
Cheers- Perception- We are a few against many but we prevail since we are smarter and are in the right!
You guys should have a party with all your friends. There must be an empty phone booth somewhere.