the last piece of bread, toasted with butter and french chestnut spread (yummmmy) and a slice of homemade bread with raisins (the new housemate is a baker!).
How does one get down to a last piece of bread?
one donates slices here and there to one's neice and nephew because one's sister sometimes doesn't feed them before bringing them to one's house.
There is a thing called a back-up loaf. Usually found in the freezer.
Perhaps one may have a back up loaf in one's freezer if one doesn't have to share said freezer with one's housemates.
Are you trying to tell me that you don't have a standup freezer in your bedroom?
I have no sort of freezer in my bedroom.
Actually, I understand your plight completely, littlek.
Been there.... done that.
Tell me, how many freezers do you have, Gus?
I have only one freezer, the small one attached to my refrigerator.
I....I...I... feel so inadequate.
I think that's very common, Gus, no reason for either of us to feel ashamed.
Maybe you two wanna have breakfast together?
jumbo Timmy's tea, bag in, 1 sugar
bought cookies
didn't eat 'em
brought 'em to the office
I devoured a banana and then ate a carrot muffin while drinking my four gallons of black coffee.
Shared a pot o' coffee with my sweetie. Made a beautiful breakfast of kiwi, banana, and pastries: he ordered pizza?!
Were they peanut butter cookies from Tim's? I, really, really like those.
Plus I can't imagine not really, really, liking kiwi and banana and pastries for breakfast...
And pizza, too.
I packed a lunch and ate it at 8:00a.m.
Oatmeal, coffee and salad.