The Fallen Angel - A true story about Lucifer

Reply Thu 26 Feb, 2009 09:43 am
The Fallen Angel - A true story about Lucifer

This story i found long time ago on the internet, obviously written by a person who had first hand experience with the issue, i just discovered it again. I think it will help some folks outthere to loose fear from evil and to understand it more properly. I wish you all Love, Wisdom and Truth! Do not fear! Enjoy the story!

To write the Lucifer story is a great honour for me for I feel great love in my heart for this being, Lucifer. Before all you religious types out there get the wrong message, I am not in any way a demon worshipper or Satanist. I have no real interest in evil or the Christian version of the story of Lucifer.

All I want to do is tell is the story of Lucifer, as I perceive it and how he has shown it to me. All I ask of you is to see it as a story. For it is a story, a story to allow the reader to get a new perspective on the creation that is occurring on this planet. I ask you to open your hearts wider than ever before, to allow yourselves to feel the energy of this story, for beyond the words there is a beauty that only a completely open and trusting heart can perceive.

For most of us, Lucifer is nothing more than an imaginary character; for the Christians among us; he is the personification of pure evil. For me, I had not even really given him a second thought until I experienced his energy personally.

I wrote about my first experience with Lucifer in 'Multi-Selves and a New Reality', part of which I would like to quote here: I was taking the light of truth into the darkest place in the universe, to the home of Lucifer, the light that had been downloaded to me via the sun in the daytime. I don't want to get all "Bible-y'" on you, but it was my only way of understanding what was going on. I knew the story of Lucifer and my Spirit used the stories I already knew to aid me in my understanding because I needed to understand and understand quickly. He was coming. I can't say that I physically saw him.

I didn't need to. Feeling him was quite enough. The fear was impressive. My body shook and I involuntarily made this strange pining sound like an animal does when it's really scared and I couldn't stop.

He filled the entire room. It felt like I was going to die, which was scary in itself, but what was more scary was that without the beliefs of my body, that said this was delusional, I feared that Lucifer would devour me. There is a well known saying that when you are at the bottom of the pit that is when you find God. I was on the edge, like I had never been before. This was one hell of a test. It felt like not only did my life depend on my success, but also symbolically the success of New Planet becoming a reality for everyone in the future was on my shoulders. Near to annihilation, or that is how it felt. I had no where left to turn. I had to face him.

So face him I did. The most incredible thing happened. I saw him as God. It was so simple, if everything is God, then so was Lucifer. I felt the love. It was pure, mine, and mine to give, my divinity. Not only did my soul face and love its enemy, but also so, too, did my ego. We embraced lovingly on an energetic level. I had succeeded. My Spirit explained to me that I had anchored the light into the darkness and now, in time, New Planet Reality would manifest for all.

The process complete, the angels began to sing, I could hear them. The sun of another day rose in the sky.

I have always experienced this spiritual ascension process that I seem to be on as a unification of all the aspects of my higher self. Lucifer, I perceived to be yet another aspect, the aspect of self that would not believe self as a divine being of light. This feeling would rack me with doubt and confusion. The energy would come in, and would make me doubt what I had experienced, trying to get me to feel wrong, and worse still, to make me feel evil.

It tested me to the fullest and enabled me to shift through level upon level of fear. Here, in the climax of my experience, I could transform our relation-ship and move into a forgiving, non-judgemental perspective of a being that has been hated and loathed for many millennia. Scared as I was, I wanted to be different. I wanted to see the love everywhere, even in the most unlovable energy of all of God's creation, in Lucifer. For as black and dark as he was, I had a feeling there was more to his story than met the eye.

My next encounter of him was at a workshop where we were healing out our ideas of evil. The workshop facilitators asked us how we felt about evil. Rationally we all spouted various ideas, such as we are all God, everything is God so therefore so is Lucifer and evil is another aspect of the creation. Yin and Yang, light and dark, and so on.

Our bodies, however, had a completely different opinion. We all were in great fear. The facilitators decided that they would channel various evil personages and we would be allowed to heal out any judgements that we might hold towards these beings.

One of the facilitators stood in front of me, channelling Lucifer. I cannot describe the fear I was in. Rationally, I thought the whole thing a little stupid, but my body was reacting so badly that there had to be something in this. So, I took a deep breath, breathing in more of my higher self, allowing the healing process to occur. I looked into the facilitator's eyes. Usually, she so loved, but channelling Lucifer, her eyes were cold and uncaring. I breathed deeply, the fear transmuting through the loving presence of my higher self. Belief systems I never thought I had, surfaced to be cleared, past life connections with their beliefs about evil haunted my very soul. They were clearing, the veils of illusion allowing me to see, really see.

It is hard to describe what happened next. All I can say is that I experienced a great sense of recognition. I recognised the divinity within this being. I saw love there. I felt a compassion, an empathy as never before. As I stood crying, looking into those eyes, I knew I had found what I was looking for. It felt like I had searched the whole of existence for this being, believing him lost. Now I had found him. The emotions were overwhelming.

I asked for his forgiveness forever thinking he was an evil being that should be hated. He smiled and said that I was making him free through my love. He had never felt such a connection for such a long time, and it had begun to warm his cold body.

I felt such a connection to this being. I felt like we were the same type of being. Before he fell, we were the same, twin souls, whatever you want to call it. I vowed there and then that I would help him and any other of his kind to free themselves from the darkness and to enable them to return to their former glory in the love and light of God.

It sounds like a very tall order. Usually people run from the dark forces, projecting hatred and fear at them, projecting their own evil intent, encasing these beings in the fifth of other's psyches. I felt very passionate about it. I would free this being. I would not go to New Planet until this was done!

Over the next few months, I experienced Lucifer more and more. He showed me the creativity in what we call evil. He showed me how, amazingly, light beings can come to Earth to experience evil and good and bad and that if viewed as just experience, and evil was a very creative experience from the perspective of soul. He showed me the creative, divine spark that can even exist in the depths of emotions such as fear, depression, sorrow and various other deep and dark places. I finally began to understand why my soul moved me to such deep, dark spaces within myself. Viewing it from the perspective of soul, I could playfully flow with these dark spaces, allowing them expression through writing and art, until the thrust within my soul for experiencing the darkness was exhausted.

When I say darkness, I do not necessarily mean evil in the way we have come to understand it, but evil in the sense of going into such dark spaces within yourself that you feel without God. For me, the emotion of sorrow was uppermost. The depths of lost feelings that I shifted through were symbolic of the Lucifer aspect within my self being integrated within my soul, coming home to the light within myself. Lucifer helped me understand that he was becoming free through this inner and outer interaction throughout the love of my very soul. I cannot say it was without its challenges. I had doubts that what I was doing was ok. Maybe it was bad and evil and Christians would say I was wrong, but the passion and love in my heart would not let me give up on a being that seemed to have only me as his friend.

Our relationship was intense. I seemed to experience him through a symbolic story that he channelled through me. I cried the whole way through as I could feel that, in my soul, he was speaking about us.

The Parting
Their dimension lay like a brilliant blanket of sheer light, infinitely rolling off in all directions. The light was golden and pearl-like in hue and colour. Shimmering through ripples of liquid gold and silver, the winged ones passed, unfolding their energetic wings, sending trails of light into the space around them. They had been there for all of time, emanating energy of love and freedom for the rest of the universe to draw upon.

The distinction between the light dimension and themselves was little. Gazing upon this plane was a challenge to the eyes, but once the eyes were accustomed to the light, light beings could be seen in the emanations that radiated from this plane.Their beauty was breathtaking to behold. Their exquisite radiance was mesmerising, iridescent, incandescent, illuminated from an internal source. These energetic patterns of light resembled the bodies of winged angels. Pure of face and heart, they existed only in a moment of bliss and euphoric ecstasy.

Overwhelmed by each other's presence, these angels of light embraced in energetic rapture, living in a permanently exalted state of rhapsody. They experienced no separation from the hearts of those they loved. Saturated in the sweet honey of love and adoration, two such beings cherished and honoured each other's presence, intoxicated and entranced by each other's love, each an intrinsic part of the other. Two beings, identical, from the same mould, twin flames of true power and unconditional love. Never had they been separated, not even in form. So intrinsically entwined were their energies, that the distinction between them could not be seen.

Each one was the rhythm of the other, each one the other's heart song.
For how long they enjoyed this unbroken, unified existence no one could really tell. Time from their perspective was only a concept, not as of yet a reality. Others had told them about the dimensions below and the affects these dense vibrations were having on those that travelled through them on their journeys of discovery.

So, when an impulse, an idea, came from the Source of all Light, the Star, there were many eager to follow a new and exciting endeavour. In the entire universe there was not a place where the inhabitants did not realise that within each and every one of them, they held the key to all life, the original seed from the Source. The idea was to create a place a place of such density, such darkness that the love of the Source could not penetrate. What would appear as a harsh opportunity for growth was seen by some of the angels as a challenge, an adventure that simply could not be denied.

The entwined and unified souls of light readied themselves in preparation for such a challenge. Excited and inspired by the idea, the challenge, they began to disentangle their energies from each other, separating themselves from their eternal moments of lovemaking. A flame of passion kindled in their hearts as they gazed at each other's face. They watched and waited. Soul to soul, heart to heart, looking deep within each other, they vowed to always hold the other within their heart so that no distance would truly separate them. One was to leave to go on a journey of discovery to complete the task of creating a place of forgetting. The other would stay behind in the light planes, holding the idea of the other's true form, in readiness for a time when it, too, would dive into the dimensions below .to create a journey of its own that would ultimately lead it to the discovery and the reunion of the other.

One stood poised on the edge, readying itself for its leap into the unknown. Male in energy, he proudly stretched and flexed his mighty wings to take flight. Fearless and strong he willingly and excitedly awaited his descent into the cloudy realms below him. She, with bated breath, watched and waited. She, too, was excited and eager to watch the splendour that this challenge would create.

Never had there been any distance between them. Never before had they been separated by time and space. He was to fall as fast and as long as he could until he hit upon a dimension that was so dense that it was capable of housing the place of forgetting. He was to sleep and clothe himself in the matter, becoming dense in form, taking the light into a place that would forget its origins. All that lived upon it would live a strange life devoid of the light of the Source. He was to hold the idea of the Source deep within himself until he was awakened by the sweet kiss of his one true love.

She was to remain behind in the planes of light until such a time when the impulse from above would come for her to carry the seed of consciousness. Then she would search the dimensions below for her true love. With one final loving glance, he spread his wings and dove from the precipice. She watched him fall. At first he rode the currents of energy. The dimensions below pulled and tugged at his wings. He tried to ride them but, much to his dismay, the currents beneath the shallows were overwhelming He soon realised that he was being pulled into the unknown. She watched with curiosity, but as the distress and anguish began to show on his face, she, too, realised exactly what parting really meant. She reached out to touch him, longing to hold him once more. Her hands of light passed straight through his body, already denser in form. No longer were they of the same kind.

He surrendered his love and folded his mighty wings about him. He closed his eyes and plummeted down into the murky depths, spiralling down like a stone into a pool of still water. He spiralled down and down. The clouds of density forming around him suffocated him as they ripped at his very soul. He was ill prepared for what awaited him. Instead of gliding and swooping gracefully to his destination below, he fell and fell. Out of control, surrendering to the experience, his fragile heart pounded in his chest. The density closed in about him and the forgetting took over until he seemed like a diamond trapped within a solid and hard rock.

Heavy like a rock he dropped, the dreams of forgetting surrounding him until his awareness began to become sleepy and with one last conscious thought, he fell asleep. Now he resembled a dark mass. He would sleep here, dreaming until he would be awakened within once more. So Lucifer was not banished from Heaven but volunteered to go. In the Bible it says that 'iniquity' was found in Lucifer. What was this 'iniquity' that made Lucifer imperfect?

Lucifer... " Those of you who experience the separation cannot comprehend any being wanting to remove itself from God's love. No Being would want to subject itself to such torment and torture. Yet you are here are you not? You must bring the story within yourself, understand it from a symbolic perspective. I am the aspect of you that is lost, cut off from God. Separate.

I was not always like this I, too, bathed in the love and light of the Source of all creation. I, too, was a Being of light and love. I, too, knew myself as an aspect of God. I, too, knew myself as God. Do not mistake my arrogance as unique to myself. All beings outside of your polarised thinking experience themselves as the spark of the Creator. For God has many faces. It is only Beings in the polarity of good and bad that can possibly see creation as anything else. I must take credit for holding you in this mode of expression. As the story tells, my job was to hold the forgetting.

It was a challenge for beings such as myself to move into the void and create a space that was outside of God. Could it be done? We were curious to try. God granted us free will, the power to decide, to create a choice. I stood at the crossroads and God gave me a choice, to go one way or the other. The signs said, To God, this way. To Darkness, this way. I had to choose. I knew that to choose the path back to God was the choice of God. But the overall plans were to deny God within myself and move beyond. I took a deep breath and curiously stepped into the darkness.

The rebellion was real, yet created by God itself. One third of the angels followed me in rebellion against God. Any came, brave and curious aspects of God, falling into the darkness, the unconscious part of God' s creation. We fell into the Void to hold the forgetting, to create space for the intense growth of all. So, my lawlessness was encouraged, my rebellion smiled upon by a loving God."

The Story continues...
In a pattern of light he fell a blueprint, an idea in light, and a fallen angel, not cast out by God, but surrendering to a higher purpose, an impulse from the Source. The idea was to create a planetary body capable of holding an energy that would isolate and segregate the planet from the love of the rest of the cosmos. This isolation would enable the inhabitants to grow and evolve and learn through all possibilities whether good or bad. Lucifer would sleep in the centre of this soon to be planet, holding an energy that would allow the plan to be implemented. As he fell, he wrapped cloudy veils of illusions around him. These veils, these illusions were to become the reality of planet Earth, weaving together, creating the illusions, the myths of man. Holding firmly the histories of mankind, he slept, encased in the hard rock of the forming planet. Safe from harm, undisturbed until he was to awaken and take the planet to the light by his awakening. As he fell through the darkness, the reaction to his presence created wisps of energy that swirled and spiralled like mist on an early morn. As he descended further and further, the wisps of energy became denser and denser until a form could be seen quite clearly.

It was a Dragon with giant wings, a serpent of the Void, the Unknown.
Encased within the safety of the loving embrace of the Dragon of creation, Lucifer fell still further into the darkness. As he radiated the 'forgetting energy' out from his centre, a strange phenomenon could be seen to occur. The energy created level upon level of reality. At first, there was only a slight, disconnected feeling from the Source. As the process proceeded, the levels became denser and denser, creating more and more levels of forgetting until the Dragon of all creation could be seen to split in two.

A mighty Dragon of light and dark, of polarity, of duality divided. As Lucifer came to his resting-place, the Dragon divided even more, splitting and separating into four distinct and unique energies. These Dragons of creation would make up the final resting-place of his heart. The Dragons, serpents of energy, danced and wove a beautiful pattern of light; each carrying its own ingredients to create physical reality. First, was the awesome Dragon of Fire, a passionate elemental of light. Its fire trailed a blaze in the darkness of the Void, cascading shards of light as it swooped down and down into the depths of the unknown. With a roar and a torch of fire, it exploded into a giant ball of burning light.

Then came the Serpent of the Deep, the water and fluid, the lifeblood of creation, its aqueous, moist body casting trails of mist in its path, its ghostly form alluring and hypnotising. Almost invisible to the eye, the elemental Dragon of Air could only be recognised by the ripples that could be seen in the Void as it flew in its spiral dance. Its ambience and openness created a space in between the swirling fire and the water laden clouds. With this interaction of energies, a fourth and final energy was seen to hold all the other Dragons in form, the Dragon of Earth. What it created was not as dense as we know physical reality, but was an etherical structured pattern of energy and sound that held the shapes of others as well as itself. Its immense body stretched and layered, creating the very weft of the carpet of creation.

Earth, Air, Fire and Water, the very elements of all physical creation. Chasing their tails, they spiralled around and around each other, weaving a coat of denser and denser energy around Lucifer, imprisoning him in the softness of matter. The pattern that they created together came to rest in the darkness. The Dragons, succumbing to the sleepy sedating energies of the forgetting, fell asleep, too, drifting into a dreamtime where they created and dreamed dreams of a planet that could express all of their energies in an illusory way. The hallucinations of their making wove together until a physical planet could be seen hanging in the furthest reaches of the Void. There it hung all alone, illuminated by pinpoints of light that had now been created all around it. Isolated from that which it could see, it lay sleeping, nestled in the womb of the Void, unknowingly looked upon by the stars of consciousness that danced all around it. Gaia was her name, giving animated intelligence actuality. She made possible the Dragon dreams, which in turn were able to manifest through the forgetting that he held in the centre of the planet. The Dragons created her and became her skeleton framework for her to hang her dreams upon. And so the place of the forgetting was created and planet Earth was born.

As the veils wrapped around him like blankets, he slept, dreaming his dreams that tormented his very soul. Lost in this dense realm, he was totally cut off from both the love of her and the Source of all light. He lived, lost and alone in his dreams, shadowy realms of ghosts and demons, cold, dark and devoid of love. Characters began to form as the body of the planet began to create living forms in which Lucifer could dream. His face was no longer a face of purity. It was now a face of the devil himself, a black and hard mask of illusions, contorted, evil and hideous. Black lifeless pupils blocked all light. Lost in his dreams so dark, he created characters as he held the energy of the darkness. He surrendered to the harshness of the environment and fulfilled his mission to create darkness, evil, and death.

In consistent cycles, he dreamt, becoming denser and denser, forgetting more and more of who he was and his true home, perverted by the energies he had created around himself. Deserted, desolate, lost and alone, he slept. His only comfort was an insatiable desire for power, a lust for life, blood and death that, somehow, would help to fill his vacant heart. It soothed the indescribable yearning for something that he could not quite remember. Twisted beyond recognition, tormented, insane, driven mad by the craving for this unknown something, he cast evil forces against the, angry, and vengeful against his very own soul. The dreams became realities as he incarnated into physical bodies of Gaia's making. Not all were bad. Some were honourable and proud kings and wise men of old, yet they all paled in insignificance compared with the blackness of his other lives, one after another. Vile and loathsome characters turned his wheel of karma.

His face, black and hard, was now even unrecognisable to himself. He lost his memory of his very own soul, which slept deep in the recesses of his heart. His heart was a void, black and dead or so it seemed Yet in the velvety depths of the darkness, nestled safely from harm, his light slept, awaiting the time when his love would return and awaken him to his true form. He had long since convinced himself that this part of him was lost forever yet in the darkest of nights, cries could be heard as he dreamt his strange dreams of another place, the sorrow overwhelming him until he could withstand it no more. Once more he would release his vengeance upon the world that had imprisoned him.

"As I fell as a pattern, a blueprint of an idea, I held in form an energy that enabled beings such as yourselves to experience, light and dark, good and bad. You all come from many places in the universe; there is much healing to be done. The only place in the universe where beings can transmute negativity into positivity is on planet Earth. This is enabled because I, Lucifer, hold a framework that allows there to be duality, judgement. You see, it is not me that commits the sins you project on to me; it is yourselves. You cannot bear the darkness in your own souls, so you disown it and project it onto me. Such is your nature, being held in duality. You, as a species, have a tendency to judge, and this in itself is the downfall of man. You have heard the story of the fall from Eden. I did not commit any sin. I just gave you the choice. You, in your truth, choose to judge the situation and fall from Grace. Grace is the ability to blindly follow the intent of the Creator. You as creative beings choose to choose. It was when you judged, that you fell from your place in heaven. All I did was give you the space where you could have a choice.

I have held this energy framework for millions of years and allowed beings from all over the universe to come here and transmute karma, to learn the lessons Earth so gladly teaches. Through me, you will learn to heal your judgements and will learn to love the darkness as well as the light as they are the two faces of God. Wake up to yourselves. Gather in the projections that you have surrounded me with and begin to heal. Wash away the darkness that encases me and I will be free to be the Lightbringer!"

The Story continues...
Thus was the land of illusions. At its centre stood a hard and blackened rock, once an etherical mount of veils, veils of illusions and dreams. It was said that the very rock held the story of all mankind, the legends and myths of long ago. Each story, each legend in veils one upon another, rose until the combining of the stories became as solid as living rock, the Island of Veils. It was the place of dreams, the sleeping place of dragons, the resting- place of nobles. When the planet was etherical the Creators walked the land in peace and beauty. As the planet began to become dense, the creators left to return to their origins in the stars. They left one of their kind who would remember them in time. He was the brightest light, one who would remember all and would realign them in all to the light of creation. Upon his awakening he would bathe the whole planet in light and cast shadows, all illusions into the darkness. All beings would live in the light and love.

It was said that in an isolated part of the world there would stand a Mount of rock and in that Mount, the Lightbringer would sleep. The light of the One would shoot out of the top of the Mount and like a laser, it would criss-cross and create a light framework throughout the entire planet and the light body of the planet would be created. This light body would redesign the world and all the veils would be removed and a New Planet Reality would be created. This central pinnacle of the story stood now in our times surrounded by sea in the beautiful Bay of Hopes and Sorrow where once it had been surrounded by dense forests. It was the very first place to become the densest of the Dragons' dreams the holder of the original plan, the first physical point of the planet. Contained within the very living rock were the files of ancestral knowledge, the planetary consciousness. It was the very DNA of the planet. In the very heart of the forgetting, Lucifer lay sleeping, holding the energy of the forgetting in the centre of the Mount. From this focal point, the world was created, dreams woven upon dreams until the world as we now know it was created. The Bay of Hope and a Sorrow with the Mount at its centre was a symbolic reflection of the story of creation.

The Dark One ruled from within the safety of the Mount. Black and foreboding, it stood stark against the ashen grey of the sky, a darkened silhouette etched upon a storm cloud canvas. The Mount, like a burnt and fossilised, hand stretched up to crush and destroy the sun that shone
from behind the blackened clouds that rolled in from some distant shore.
The Dark One had entered the sleeping minds of the Dragons. He had infiltrated their thoughts, trapping them unconsciously into the dreams of death and decay, possessing the very landscape with his noxious thoughts. The very air around the Mount was putrid and toxic. Clouds of grey cobwebs could be seen hanging around the highest point. Many had tried to enter the Mount, yet none made it because of the toxic and foul air that wrapped tightly around its victims. Those who failed were said to be haunted images of their former selves.

With long and blackened fingernails, Lucifer wrapped upon the black hard arm of his throne, waiting. He could wait forever. He had nowhere to go. The body at his feet on the other hand was temporary. Death, in time, awaited it. Like some greedy monster, it devoured its prey. It trapped souls within the confines of the rock. He listened. He could hear the cries, which were like sweet music to his ears. Tormented and lost, they were held in the throes of dying over and over again. Many were blind to the Dark one and its evil workings. They carried out their pious lives, sanctimonious in their beliefs in a false God. Too busy worshipping their merciless God, they were totally unaware that, in fact, they worshipped the Dark One. Praying to what they considered 'Holy' and 'right', they unwittingly gave their power to the Dark Lord.

Occasionally his demonic thoughts would take form and he would stretch out his hand and reach into the hearts of the blind and manipulate them into acts of violence and malicious crimes of sin. It fed him. He could feel their blackened life force like fruit rotten from within, draining out of their veins into his. He contaminated their very souls. He made them servants, slaves to carnal desires of lust, greed and death. They were easy prey. He could use them to affect and manipulate the outside world. His aim was to penetrate the outside world, the world from beyond the doorways. Souls so easily trapped were poor game. With every meal his hunger, relentless, grew more and more.

" I am a mirror to the human soul. I only reflect your darkness, all that is not with God. The darkest recesses of your soul are reflected in the vision that you have of me. You cannot accept that there are places in your souls that are dark. You talk about being sinners, but how many of you have the courage to accept the darkness within yourselves. You have spent an eternity trying to project this failing onto others and myself. Blaming, judging, simply digging deeper and deeper grave for yourselves. Yet I do not judge. It is all-fine with me. There is nothing that would shock me. I have been very curious watching you from within my space create a world that is constantly on the verge of destruction. You are such exciting beings; I am amazed watching you. You are living breathing expressions of the Creator, creating dark and fore-boding clouds in your very own reality. This has been a necessary part of the plan. You have come here from many places in the universe, bringing many issues with you to be played out. You are using the energy space that I provide to experience good and evil, right and wrong, light and darkness.

You are learning choice and free will. I have held for you a framework where you can experience light and dark. I will hold this framework until the last of you have finished playing in the darkness. For that is what it is, play. Elevate your consciousness into the fifth dimension for a moment, and look at me and you will see that I am friend, a brother, enabling you to experience a creative process that allows you to forget, to dream, and to awaken as God once more. It is to waken in the dream, to allow the God that you are, to awaken in the lucidity of your reality! From the level of non-judgement, it has all been a cosmic joke. All is God; nothing can possibly be left out, so, therefore, so am I and so is the darkness. For the darkness is a very creative process and fear in its transmutation is an experience never to be missed by any enquiring and curious soul.

When you can accept and love the part of you that is the dark as a creative part of your consciousness, then I will free you from my grasps and we will move together into the Oneness of New Planet. When you no longer look at me as outside of yourself, when you have pulled all the aspects of yourself into the fullness of your souls you will move in consciousness. When you can look upon evil acts without judgement, then you have truly entered the realms of heaven. I await you there. It is not about living your life without care or purpose. It is about feeling and following the intent of the soul without judgement. I have faith in you as I waken within you. As you integrate me as your own, we will both be free to play once more in Eden. For within my soul and yours, there is the information we will use to find our way Home to bathe in each other's love once more. I cannot wait for the embrace. I have felt the love. It has made me hungry. Finally I know what will satisfy this empty heart. The love of your soul. For it is through beings such as you that mankind can free the perspectives that you have around evil. Only when you can look upon darkness with the love of the Creator, which you are, will this planet of yours shift in vibration.

I hold the key. I am a blueprint. Not only do I hold the idea of separation and duality, but I also have the means with which to transform your world into a unified world of oneness and light. No longer will you see black and white, yin and yang, but you will perceive the unification of spirit and matter. You will literally become Gods living in physical forms. For this was the plan that we had all along to transform the very negativity of the universe through the love of beings such as you and me. For are we not all fallen angels?

The blueprint is a matrix that contains all the necessary information to create a New Planet frequency; beings are being aligned with the crystal at the centre of the planet to access this information. When the time is right, every-one will be aligned and I will send out a new intent. With this, we will bathe in the Light of the Creator once more. So, until the last person is finished dancing with the devil, I will hold the old way, but I am eager to shift into a new role, one where I will be misunderstood no more."

The End
Reply Thu 26 Feb, 2009 05:57 pm
@Solve et Coagula,
Dude, you seriously need a hobby.
Reply Sun 12 Apr, 2009 11:27 pm
@Solve et Coagula,
Didn't read much of it.. was no need, you are one sick person, hate to think what you will end up doing to yourself.
Reply Fri 5 Mar, 2010 03:53 am
Very interesting, thanks!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 May, 2010 12:17 pm
@Solve et Coagula,
Hmm. I haven't seen you for a while. I thought you would have coagulated by now.
Lucifer is not a name in the Bible.
It is a latin transliteration meaning 'shining one'

People who have first hand experience with such esoteric issues frighten me
Reply Thu 20 May, 2010 01:46 pm
But it has to be true, it was on the internet!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 May, 2010 02:12 pm
neologist wrote:

Hmm. I haven't seen you for a while. I thought you would have coagulated
by now.
Lucifer is not a name in the Bible.It is a latin transliteration meaning 'shining one'

People who have first hand experience with such esoteric issues frighten

The word is in the Latin Vulgate, but I believe it is used in reference to
the morning star or "day star". The name literally means "light-bearer".
Reply Fri 31 Dec, 2010 09:33 pm
@Solve et Coagula,
Hi, I was looking up for Lucifer and came up with this article. Thank you for it for it has given me some answers. All I could find on the net was Biblical hate/fear stuff and the Satanic God version, but both are not how I have 'experienced' who seems to be calling himself Lucifer to me. I havent read the article word to word, but I think it has helped. I am very fascinated by the dark side of our self. I have been researching the 'shadow' in the Jungian aspect, and I am also an occultist. I think he-Lucifer, has come in contact with me to help me explore and come to terms and/ or accept my darker self, something I have been working on for a long time. But the energy I feel then is not fear at all, though I've dreaded it since I have grown up hearing so many awful things about him, instead it feels like warmth and love! Maybe I am going crazy, but it feels like that. And I am so clairsentient that I cannot help but thinks it may be true..Yet, I am being careful, 'cause somewhere ages of what old religions have said could be true, but then I always trust my own instincts rather than old hearsay. And by the way, I am not blaspheming if people think so. I was born Hindu, educated in a catholic school, lived in a very multi-cultural country and am pagan as well, so I am pretty much open to possibilities...
Reply Thu 27 Jan, 2011 12:13 pm
@Solve et Coagula,
I have had almost the same experience as you, I pondered the question on how could God reject his most beautiful angel which he created and cast him out, since God is perfection, he cannot create anything which is flawed. The book of Job in the bible also left me baffeled. And Lucifers name is the light-bearer. I also thought that Jesus was an incarnation-channel of Lucifer because at the end he said `Father why have you forsaken me`. I too have felt the same kind of love you describe, it was so immense that I fell to the ground and thought I was going to die. You are the first person I tell this too. Thank you so so much for your post, also, I received the message like you that planet earth is the only planet that the light beings can take physical shape. I can now feel that I am not crazy I carry this knowledge around for 10 years now, without being able to talk to anybody about it.
I am overwhelmed and will stop now.


Reply Tue 1 Feb, 2011 11:29 am
I channeled this a while back because someone asked me about Lucifer.

yes Lucifer the angel sure does exist. He exist in all and in everyone.He is part of all and the vibration this angel carries balances the system of co/creating.The road to self creation and all that is a part of who we are love love. Behind the veil he is praised and loved equally with all angels and their jobs and balances the system from his behalf.He is grandious and goes back to source GOD.We all go back to to source GOD.we sit as brothers and sisters side by side and stand firm in our love for God.We must learn not to banish him out our lives but praise him for teaching us the balance for understanding the separation and the choice of how we want to live.This praising should be done as in equal and not as in disciple from the point of acceptance the lesson of learning. The lesson from the experience of need and want and that its not a part of the individual angel no more.We complete this lesson and move on to higher learning of vibration.So beautiful all is soo beautiful.

Thank you for sharing beloved
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Reply Sun 29 May, 2011 02:26 am
@Solve et Coagula,
Thank you. With light, love, and life. Emmanuel
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Reply Wed 9 Nov, 2011 08:48 am
The phrase in Isaiah 14:12 means the shining/brightness born of the morning/dawn. What is that shining brightness? It could be the rays of the sun but it could also be the day star or morning star, Venus, which is how some translations render it. Lucifer means "son of the morning/ or dawn" original word was "heylel" a Hebrew word that was translated In Latin, the word "Lucifer", meaning "Light-Bringer" (from lux, lucis, "light", and ferre, "to bear, bring"), is a name for the "Morning Star" (the planet Venus in its dawn appearances).

0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2012 05:14 pm
@Solve et Coagula,
In some strange way this makes sense to me where I am right now. You see Eve has been troubling me recently. God created an earth and called it good. He created man and called it good. So why did God send the serpent to tempt/test Eve? this was the question of my soul a few nights back and the answer that came was that Eve means Everyone. Eve of course is the Mother of Life. Everyone has to make a choice and the serpent is really and truly the doubt or feelings of depression/devastation within us which makes us wonder "Why are we here?"

Coincidentally a couple weeks ago I had a dream. In the dream a presence comes over me. Its a familiar presence that has come over me before however I usually would resist it. Not this time. This time I chose to trust it. After all God said there is no escaping his presence and if we go down into the pits of hell He is there. (Psalm 139) I felt sure that Jesus would protect me and so I floated along with the presence. Then I realised that I was floating down. I fell down deep within myself (Note 1) and found myself far within the earth in an underground tunnel supported by columns where demons chased after little children. I started to feel very afraid. As I looked to the end of the tunnel there was a wall and on the wall hung a terrible beast like creature with horns and its head was bowed. It appeared to be bound. I never saw it raise its head. It had wings that were folded in onto itself and I do believe now that it was a dragon. It did have a strong angular head like the baphomet creature. Anyways I sensed great evil there and wanted to leave but was torn between wanting to save the children and wanting to destroy the beast. I felt that if I destroyed the beast the evil would depart and the children would be free so I decided tp focus my energies there. I tried to emit a mental blast but it did not work. Instead I felt a pain on the top right hand side of my protective shield (which surrounds my body). So the pain seemed to be coming from a drilling into that spot which echoed on the top right of my brain. I eventually called out to Jesus praying and hoping the evil would not come in and I awoke. When I woke up I remember distinctly feeling that all that happened to me, happened within me.

I have never spoken to anyone about my experience and I only mustered the courage to write it down last night for the first time.
How coincidental that I should find this passage here today. I knew I had to recount my tale again.

Note 1 - Years ago while praying I first expereienced this "falling within myself" sensation. I was very awake but I had my eyes closed and I was kneeling down, deep in prayer when I started to feel like I was falling into a black hole. Needless to say I got scared and stopped my prayer, called out to God etc.

I believe what you say for at the heart of what you offer, you suggest that Love is the key. This has been impressed upon me several times in my life and moreso very recently. Jesus says "Love your enemies. Do good to them that despitefully use you." (Matthew 5:44) If our greatest enemy is Lucifer then he deserves love too. Although I must admit that I am not there yet...
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Reply Sat 30 Jun, 2012 04:26 pm
Well this is very interesting but God loved lucifer. He loved him so much that he gave lucifer what he wanted. He wanted to be in command, the king of his own. & God gave that too him but in his own way & gave him his own world to do whatever he pleases. Which we all know is, hell.
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Reply Sun 1 Jul, 2012 12:56 am
This story touched me...your right we shouldn't fear and throwing lucifer away...because he is evil.....i may not know what really happen or believing others story about lucifer...to what ever really happen...but this story u said to me....i believe it.....there will be time we all are going to heaven.....and we should bring lucifer and other evil..with us...in heaven.................i shouldnt have fear him...or throw him away by the power of god...i should have understand him.....he might be lonely when he was evil....weather he is evil or not I and we shall accept him
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Reply Sun 1 Jul, 2012 07:49 pm
@Solve et Coagula,
Thank you very much for posting this. It has help me understand this world a little more.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Jul, 2012 02:09 pm
how can you people realy think that satan is what this gu y says it to be huh? jesus christ is my Lord and savior -_- you people ALL of you need the readl God in your life the bible says that satan wonders the earth seeking whom to devour if you guys Fall in LOVE with satan your doomed to GO TO HELL A PLACE OF BURNING FIRE IN TORMENT with lucifer
Reply Fri 13 Jul, 2012 11:23 pm
It is pure deception...And you are a Satanist....you, like them, believe the Devil is something he is not...And Hell is a place of opportunity....Which is wrong....I have had hundreds of dreams, all scribed, of being raped by the devil, burned, tormented...Chopped up, in hell to save souls etc...and Jesus always saves me from it...

You would never have to feel complete fear to experience full love...You would be able to find pure love, from pure love....That shows it is deception right away...

And likewise, I have had tests where the Devil looked like God, and God like the devil, as a test to know who God was...By their fruits...And after passing....I saw God show me, why it was done...Because the Devil wants my soul...Just like the story with Job, where the devil , and God are talking...And the devil is allowed to torment Job...

Do me one favor...If you really believe this to be about the Devil....Say a prayer to Jesus Christ...And pray in his name...that he (Jesus) shows the true nature of the Devil to you...No matter how horrific this dream or experience may be...And when it actually happens...As the Devil can not with stand Christ...tell me if you still feel the same...
lucifers girlfriend
Reply Fri 3 Aug, 2012 10:16 pm
funny thing is, and really, really, go and read and i mean read the bible. not passages your preacher quotes and his interpretation but read what your so called god has done. he has killed many people. he has told us one thing and then contradicts himself by saying another. yes, god loves all, but he seems to not like gay people or people of other faiths and different opinions, and his chosen people, well, that means he plays favourites. those of you, and you idiots know who you are, have been brain washed. you think christianity is the only way, the correct way and everyone else is wrong. the bible doesn't mention dinosaurs, but we have proof. but the bible (king james version and yes, king james himself was gay!) mentions unicorns, but that we have no proof of. hmmmm, makes you wonder. really, open your tightly sealed brain and read the damn book yourself. from start to finish.

if you think your god is fair, why does he let all the bad things happen??? and if the world is really all that bad, then why not come and tell me, "hey, trixie, build an arc and take some people and animals and i will start all over, again, since i am not really perfect, it seems i have to do this again. you know, wipe out the entire world, trillions of people because i fucked up and now everything is fucked and i should just start over, again, like i had to a few times in the old testament. i mean, even the platypus is a major screw up. but, like they say, try, try again. right?"

lucifer is the light bearer. bringing light to all of man kind. lucifer is always there for us, for me. but god, where the hell is he when i have been evicted, without a job or place to live and i called upon him. i did everything my preachers and the bible told me to do. i ended up broke and homeless. i don't smoke and rarely drink. but he never answered or provided. and don't give me a bullshit answer that it was a test.

why are newborns being tested? tested by giving babies defects, cancer, being born into poverty or war torn countries. for god so loved the world that he lets the little children suffer and those that beg him for mercy or serious help are ignored.

i call out to lucifer and he answers. he provides me with what i need and i don't even have to ask. the power is mine to harness and use. it's in all of us. if we are created in god's image then why are some born beautiful and some are lepers?????????? so does that mean god is a beautiful leper, with cancer and is starving with flies all over his face, is depressed because maybe this is really hell.

this life, this earth, this is a test? why bother. if he wanted people to believe and only worship him, then why give us free will? nothing, not even nature is perfect.

and truthfully, your book might say it's correct and everyone else is wrong, but how do you know it's true. ever heard the phrase 'lost in translation'???? that's what your hole-y book is. a poor translation, someone's interpretation of what was supposedly written by cavemen, oh wait, the bible doesn't talk about cavemen. therefore they too, like dinosaurs didn't really exist, because the bible is true. right?????????? WRONG!

god can't even make up his mind. he likes, he doesn't like. then he likes again. eat pork, don't eat pork, eat pork. to cut or not to cut the penis. and do you know how many people in mexico are named jesus? hell, i went to school with many of them, most were nick named bubba, but that's not the point.

the bible is a huge collection of short stories gathered and translated by various people of various backgrounds and education and upbringings, and these translators were paid by a homosexual king named james, or wait, if he had been in mexico, i could have been jesus.

get off you high horse and open your eyes, your mind and your precious book and think for yourself. after all, god gave us free will, and i am free to love willing, the true god, the bearer of light, the one who has been falsely accused of so many things but yet if he did them was never given credit for, the real god LUCIFER.

lucifers girlfriend
Reply Fri 3 Aug, 2012 11:12 pm
jesus christ is a hoax. lucifer is the true god of earth, the universe and everything. he has never lied to us, ever. he has only shown us what god has hidden from us. think about!!!!!! really, what does god have to hide? why give me free will and then say don't eat from the tree of knowledge??? the tree of knowledge.....knowledge. think about it!!!!!!!!! what was your god hiding that he had to tell people not to go near knowledge.

'hey, i created you and this tree of knowledge. i give you free will to make your own decisions. but don't go near this tree of knowledge. i don't want you to know my secrets. but hey, if you need me, call me. i may or maynot answer or help. but stay away from knowledge. i don't want you to think for yourself, no, i like robots better. i don't have to compete as much for the power that is within everyone. and by the way, you can never really see me, but i can see everything you do. i am a secret that you can't know about. but hey, enjoy the planet while you are here. make yourselves at home, until i decide to redecorate, like i did when i had to wipe out and start over with Sodom and Gomorrah. and just like in the wizard of oz, pay no attention to the voice behind the curtain'

yeah, again you need to read for yourself, not just take someone else's word for it. when did lucifer ever lie to you??????????

never! why, because you refuse to hear what he has to say. he didn't lie to eve or adam. he didn't deceive them. he didn't trick them. LUCIFER EDUCATED them. because, after all, we are made in god's image, therefore, i am a god, or rather, goddess. right???

if man is made in god's image, then again why are some more beautiful than others. why are some born healthy and others missing parts or have mismatched parts. why are some born with disease. what did that unborn baby do that was so wrong that it must suffer through life with leprosy or any other affliction? what did that baby do that was so wrong that it must suffer and die suffering like the children in third world countries?? bad, bad children of god. maybe god doesn't like children. hmmm

you and your spouse have children. those children are created in your image. and yet they are still of you, still you in part. they have pieces of you in them. are they not of you? are they not part of you? and if they are part of you, created in your image, would that not make you a god?????

oh, my god, yes, i am a creator. i have given life. i have created a person in my image. lucifer told me this. therefore i AM GOD/GODDESS. I AM THE CREATOR.



because what will happen to all those that lived before christianity, they will never enter 'heaven' those heathens and savages (like the north american indians) or nations that were never mentioned in the bible, since, really, think about it, the bible is based on the countries and just beyond, that lay near the Mediterranean sea.

so, north, central and south americans will never get to go to your 'heaven' because they weren't jewish or christian. and asia, and beyond. that's so not fair!!!!!!!

see, a lie, deception, uneducated people will never enter the 'christian heaven' and that's not fair. but lucifer, he educated, he never lied about what he has done. he has never misled anyone. he has been given credit for things god has done like cause wars, disease, earthquakes, genocide, and more.





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