- It could be tapered, I just don't want to.
I'm not she who must be obeyed. I've lived in five old places, one with a lease, two that I owned. I now live in a little **** splotch, though I kind of like it too.
I'm sorry for some of my early sins, painting the wood in a CA bungalow. How many years in hell?
But also, we didn't jerk the place around, and I figure that gets some points.
But I lived through the eighties in architectureville, Venice, CA. I understand fervor re rebuilding boxes, and fervor for not f.king with them.
I've arch historian friends, preservationist friends, mocking re preservation friends.
We had a client who did a real restoration along with a renovation. I get the diff.
I'm careful now. I'd leave the chair rail.