AS a 6'2", 280 pound middle aged man in poor physical shape, with no fetuses attached anywhere, i feel obliged to make that observation that Child seems to hope to be taken for weird. In which context, CdK's comment about the American propensity to be considered weird takes on a deep philosophical significance.
However, i've just had my lunch recently, and it's my nap time, so you'll have to discuss the implications without me.
Well that is true BoGoWo, but that was a hypothetical situation, assuming those emotional/mental drives in a fictional role, like writing a comic book. Example: NNY loves Johnny the Homicidal Maniac. Child of the Light may too, but doesn't talk about it nearly as much as NNY. I consider artistry and artistic thought very important, and I could hardly exclude myself from the creative group, or the hypersensitive.
This will probably settle the arguement for Cav. NNY showed me some of his JTHM comics, and I was absolutly disgusted. But I have said many things that have put NNY off. I'm not really sure.
If you were to ask me who is the weirder, NNY or me?
I'd say NNY, and most likely NNY would say the same. The biggest difference between NNY and me is that I am more social than he.
"Weird" has always been an adjective to describe me. So I thought I'd come to a place that actually knows what weird is, and ask there opinion. I am not trying to seem weird or anything like that.
Well, that settles it for me then. Sometimes being a tad over the top helps get to the bottom of things. One thing I have wondered, are you and NNY in a band together, or just friends?
The relationship between NNY and I is as followed:
1.)We are cousins
2.)We do play guitar together from time to time, but we haven't ever started a band.(Although we did play an incredible song about the Ninja Turtles last Mardi Gras.)
3.)And I'd say we are friends, but we do have our occasional sarcasm battles.
Cool! My brother and I busked around for a while many years ago, and did a bit of open stage.
Nice! But NNY has left our quaint little town for the glam of an even smaller town!! So I haven't seen him in awhile. BUT THAT COULD BE A GOOD THING! who knows.
and wolfstorm? Is he your brother's keeper?
I wore a Rapheal (the red teenage mutant ninja turtle) mask to school, and ran down the hallways
Back in the days, when Star Wars and student cards to get discounts on the bus were still popular, a friend of mine pasted a cut-out Darth Vader mask over his picture on his student card, and then wore a Darth Vader mask on the bus. The driver was laughing so much, he let my buddy on for free.
Oh for crying out loud folks we are all weird but wierd is a good thing I think.
My roomate flips the barstool upside down before sitting on it. Is he weird?
Weird? Nah. You're a typical jock Ass Hole with a touch of class thrown in. Have no fear. You are as normal as Apple Pie (with a few wormy apples).
Jock asshole? JOCK!?!?!
Get your ass over here so I can pick up the back of your car and steal your lunch money, nerd!
Slap, i believe Mr. NickFun was addressing the author of the thread . . .
Excuse me Joanne Dorel I am not weird and consider myself the most well adjusted member of this or any other forum thank you very much....I'm sure everyone else agrees......
I mighta gone along with that, before having seen them leopard print pants . . .